
Showing posts from November, 2019


InSpired GOD'S WORK, OUR WORK, MY WORK! A statement   like "we must do God' work' is common and rightly so, we must do Christ work". Christ made a similar statement which is one of my favourite scrptures in the Bible " I must do the work of Him who sent me.. ... John 4:34.   Though Christ was God, He knew at that point in His life that He was representing the Father. But at  another time,  Christ told Thomas, ' if you have seen me, you have seen the father,' in this instance, our LORD  was assuring  Thomas-  'this kingdom business am operating, is not just my Father's business but mine as well. Jesus Christ; The LORD was emphasing  one of the truths for effective  minstry,  which is ' l am  a stakeholder in the kingdom of God. l am  not just working for God to enrich myself, get famous, build a dynasty, rather there is a  divine agenda which must be fully establish on earth;  and as l faithfully execute this  agenda: Wealth, renown and eve


InSpired SPIRITUAL STANDING ORDER The Bible states that Elijah is a man of like passion who gave an order that the Land of Israel should not experience rain and it was exactly so for three years plus...  "Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit. James 5:17 The father of the Rechabites was the same. Their father gave a standing order for his seed not to build houses and drink wine and this order was still effective after his death. "Then I set before the sons of the house of the Rechabites bowls full of wine, and cups; and I said to them, “Drink wine.” But they said, “We will drink no wine, for Jonadab the son of Rechab, our father, commanded us, saying, ‘You shall drink no wine, you nor your sons, forever. You shall not build a house, sow seed, plant a vineyard, nor have Jeremiah 35:5-


NUGGETS FROM CHRIST GOD SPOKE, JACOB AROSE "“I am God, the God of your father,” he said. “Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make you into a great nation there. I will go down to Egypt with you, and I will surely bring you back again. And Joseph’s own hand will close your eyes. ” Then Jacob left Beersheba, and Israel’s sons took their father Jacob and their children and their wives in the carts that Pharaoh had sent to transport him." Men and women of great exploits are those who arise only as God, the Almighty leads them. Jacob only went up to Egypt after God spoke to him.  Although he heard news of a supposed dead son been alive yet he only rise to  go and be with Joseph his son when God gave him a word  Guidance from God to the believer is the tool for doing greater works than Jesus Christ our Lord.  He who leads himself without the guidance of the Holy Spirit will also support and sustain self by his own strength. A. L. HEPHZIBAH