
Showing posts from April, 2024


InSpired By The Christ  WHICH IS YOUR LIFE? Relationship strives on many frontiers and one of its frontier is the postures of the different participants in the relationship. Apostle Paul was advising his son in the faith- bishop Timothy on how to relate with the different groups of people in the Flock under his care and he had this to say in 1 Timothy 5:1-4 "Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father.  Treat younger men as brothers, older women as mothers,  and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity.  Give proper recognition to those widows who are really in need. In the same vein, you can maintain different postures to your relationship with Jesus, the Messaih and The Christ, your Master. Let's examine the different Postures and their implications. I had a vision as l laid on my bed and these pictures passed through my mind. POSTURE ONE  I saw a man walking briskly as if trying to meet up with an appointment or on his way to carry out


Christ In Your Heart

HOW TO ATTAIN AN INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP  WITH GOD AND MAN Christ is called the Anointed One, which symbolisies that He was a man under the influence and control of the Holy Spirit. Romans 8 reveals that the Holy Spirit can lead a man which is the Holy Spirit guiding and directing the activities, decisions and thoughts of the Man through the written and spoken Word. But when the Holy Spirit is leading a man, the man has the absolute ability to say No to the leading of the Holy Spirit and follow his own inclinations. But there is a higher dimension of  relationship with the Holy Spirit which is state of absolute surrender that is exemplified by the life of The LORD of Host Himself: Jesus Christ, The LORD and Saviour of the Earth.. Jesus Christ , the LORD said in John 6 " I can of myself do nothing, every of my actions is initiated by the Spirit. Jesus. Christ ensured that His thoughts, mind and heart is filled and full of the Word of God so that whatever He says and do, it is an offs