
Showing posts from January, 2023


InSpired  IMPORTANT QUESTION FOR YOU  Salvation in the name of our Lord Jesus ( God be praised forever) is given to all men freely but the measure of grace and anointing  distinguishes believers and institutes ranks in the Body of Christ. Men are usually identified and honoured  in their ministries and christian careers by their titles but lasting  breakthrough in spiritual warfare is not wroth by titles but by measure of knowledge, understanding, wisdom, grace and anointing that a believer possesses. Daniel was one of the three administrators set over the kingdom of Persian  (Daniel 6:3) that was his  official title but in the presence of the King of kings- The Almighty;  Daniel was the President of the nation of  Babylon; for the anointing on Daniel's ministry subdued the opposition from the satanic  prince of Persian (  Daniel 10:13) He was given the title of an administrator but his  true spiritual status was that of a president. David carried a grace and anointing that could d



InThe Spirit FOR THE KINGDOM OR FOR THE THRONE INTRODUCTION Everyman is odanied by God for greatness. Greatness is defined in this context to mean a state of achievement ; a state of influence and prominence in any given field of endeavour.  A carpenter is great when he ceases to be one of the carpenters and becomes The Carpenter. The Cleaner is called great when he/she ceases to be one of the cleaners in Cleaning profession rather stands out in the skills and wisdom needed for that profession. NAAMAN' MAID WAS GREAT! The Maid who lead Naaman to the Israel and the prophet for his healing ceases to be one of the maids but rather become the The Maid in both Naaman's household, in Israel, in the World and generations to come because her decision and actions cave out a prominence place for her in Human History. The Carpenter becomes a great man in  the carpentery profession because he developed his carpentry skills to the point that  others look up to him for either carpentery wisd


INTRODUCTION There are communications and transactions between human entities in the invisible ones. The will and desires of a man can be imposed in the spirit and soul of another human being through  connection secured by demonic powers and influences;  in the case of men and women who are actively engaged in the Occultic and witchcraft  They can tell a man what to do and what not to do without speaking to the man in the visible realms. The thoughts and intentions of the Occultic practitioner is imposed on their victims Nd it appears as if it is the original thoughts of the victims  The intention of God for communication between humans who are visible creatures because of their physical body is communication in the physical realm  When God appeared to Moses in the Burning Busy to sent him to the Children of Israel in Egypt, Moses did not see the physucak for. Of God but He heard the voice of God. But when Moses was to dwliver the same messages to the Israelites Moses did not pass thes


InSpired THE PATHWAY TO REVIVAL IT STARTS FROM YOU & THE CHURCH ( Series) Some few years back, some  Believers gathered and started praying for Revival in their territory.  They were asking for God to pour out the Holy Spirit upon every flesh in their Cities. They were praying that multitudes would be saved; that the over poplualtrd bars and parlours will be empty; that the night clubs and brothel will close down.  They strongly desired that through their fervent prayers  sinners would become believers in Jesus Christ; be filled with The Holy Spirit and come to the knowledge of The Father and The Son and reign as kings in the stead of Christ. Then while praying, the Holy Spirit asked one of them the following question. " when these sinners are saved and come to Church, will  Jesus Christ, your Master be happy when they became a Believer like you? There is a principle of discipleship revealed in Genesis 1:11-13 and our LORD Jesus Christ also spoke along this line when he was sp


InSpired LIES DEFEATED BY GOD'S TRUTH = DIVINE SUCCESS Our victory is ensured by the Word of God but you must note that the adversary also hope to gain victory over you by his own lies. It's a battle expressed in words and victory accessed via same words.  The devil said his lies in words to Jesus Christ, our Lord  and our Lord in turn responses with the truth which is God' s Word to the adversary' s lies. The enemy was not defeated by philosophy, wisdom of men or the traditional of the ages, rather Christ, our brother defeated the enemy by the Word of God. You must study, learn, understand the truth that is appropriate for the adversaries lies. For every "the devil said," there is an appropriate "It is written"  It is written refers to the Scripture, for the Bible is written as the Holy Spirit gave inspiration to its various authors. CHRIST ENCOUNTER WITH THE DEVIL Luke 4:2-12 "The devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God, tell this stone


InSpired LIES DEFEATED BY GOD'S TRUTH = DIVINE SUCCESS Our victory is ensured by the Word of God but you must note that the adversary also hope to gain victory over you by his own lies. It's a battle expressed in words and victory accessed via same words.  The devil said his lies in words to Jesus Christ, our Lord  and our Lord in turn responses with the truth which is God' s Word to the adversary' s lies. The enemy was not defeated by philosophy, wisdom of men or the traditional of the ages, rather Christ, our brother defeated the enemy by the Word of God. You must study, learn, understand the truth that is appropriate for the adversaries lies. For every "the devil said," there is an appropriate "It is written"  It is written refers to the Scripture, for the Bible is written as the Holy Spirit gave inspiration to its various authors. CHRIST ENCOUNTER WITH THE DEVIL Luke 4:2-12 "The devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God, tell this stone


InSpired THE BELIEVER'S WINNING STREAK Our victory is ensured by the Word of God but you must note that the adversary also hope to gain victory over you by his own lies. It's a battle expressed in words and victory accessed via same words.  The devil said his lies in words to Jesus Christ, our Lord  and our Lord in turn responses with the truth which is God' s Word to the adversary' s lies. The enemy was not defeated by philosophy, wisdom of men or the traditional of the ages, rather Christ, our LORD defeated the enemy by the Word of God. You must study, learn, understand the truth that is appropriate for the adversaries lies. For every "the devil said," there is an appropriate "It is written"  It is written refers to the Scripture, for the Bible is written as the Holy Spirit gave inspiration to its various authors. CHRIST ENCOUNTER WITH THE DEVIL Luke 4:2-12 "The devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread.” J


Yesterday I wrote that your '1' plus '1' may not equal 2  because of sin,  ignorance but God's sovereignty may be at work.   Today I want to write abt remaining at your duty post whn your '1' plus '1' is not equal two.  'One day as Zacharias was going about his work in the Temple-for his division was on duty that week... Zacharias was in the sanctuary when suddenly an angel appeared standing to the right of the altar of incense.' Luke 1:8,11   Zacharais kept on working, serving   despite his childlessness . Sometimes, whn our expectations are not meant, our desires unfulfilled, we may want to give up on hope and leave our duty post in the family, relationship and God's kingdom. (Backsliding is not when  you stop going to church- whenever your zeal and passion is on the wane, you are backsliding).  Most times it happens subtly, without you knowing. I will give you two instances from my life. Many years back, I was praying for a servant of

Godly folks suffered delay

Mercy and beauty

InSpired THE BEAUTY OF SATAN BECAME A TRAP AND DETHRONED HIM! ( Part two) A song writer wrote in a song and l quote : You are beautiful Beyond description Too marvelous for.words. God, The Almighty was beautiful, is beautiful and will forever be beautiful. Halleluyah!  And His beauty is reflected and manifested in His creatures. Lucifer called the The Devil was an epitome of the indescribable beauty of God. In Him was the Beauty of the God- Head encapsulated. Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made. Rev. 4:11 gives credence to this truth that God is worthy to receive worship because He created all things for His pleasure.  Lucifer was created to give God pleasure.  Every precious stones in the Kingdom of Heaven was represented in Lucifer.raiment; no wonder he was named ' a bright morning star,  son of the dawn'.  He is 'a' bright morning


InTheSpirit WHAT YOU SAY IS KILLING YOU! God is so Good and has wonderful plans for His Children. What you say determines what you get. Imagine if 100 million Christian Nigerians say daily in God's hearing in daily conversation 'Nigeria is corrupt and cannot be redeemed. That is what God hears in Heaven. That is what Satan also is authorised to do  Unless God will raise intercessors given authority by God to enforce His Will over territories and nations  The daily confession of Christians will affect the Nation. We praise God for the wonderful WORD/prophecy for the year given by a lot of Leading Leaders of Denomination.  These Words for the year conditions the atmosphere and the lives of members of this denomination. It serves as the bedrock for their expectations. If member will learn to truly believe these good word of prophecies, that will be their reality  Even if God showed you as Man of God that there will be War, it does not mean you should speak the Word of war to the h


InSpired THE BEAUTY OF SATAN BECAME A TRAP AND DETHRONED HIM! ( Part two) A song writer wrote in a song and l quote : You are beautiful Beyond description Too marvelous for.words. God, The Almighty was beautiful, is beautiful and will forever be beautiful. Halleluyah!  And His beauty is reflected and manifested in His creatures. Lucifer called the The Devil was an epitome of the indescribable beauty of God. In Him was the Beauty of the God- Head encapsulated. Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made. Rev. 4:11 gives credence to this truth that God is worthy to receive worship because He created all things for His pleasure.  Lucifer was created to give God pleasure.  Every precious stones in the Kingdom of Heaven was represented in Lucifer.raiment; no wonder he was named ' a bright morning star,  son of the dawn'.  He is 'a' bright morning


InTheSpirit WHAT YOU SAY IS KILLING YOU! God is so Good and has wonderful plans for His Children. What you say determines what you get. Imagine if 100 million Christian Nigerians say daily in God's hearing in daily conversation 'Nigeria is corrupt and cannot be redeemed. That is what God hears in Heaven. That is what Satan also is authorised to do  Unless God will raise intercessors given authority by God to enforce His Will over territories and nations  The daily confession of Christians will affect the Nation. We praise God for the wonderful WORD/prophecy for the year given by a lot of Leading Leaders of Denomination.  These Words for the year conditions the atmosphere and the lives of members of this denomination. It serves as the bedrock for their expectations. If member will learn to truly believe these good word of prophecies, that will be their reality  Even if God showed you as Man of God that there will be War, it does not mean you should speak the Word of war to the h