Mercy and beauty


A song writer wrote in a song and l quote :
You are beautiful
Beyond description
Too marvelous for.words.

God, The Almighty was beautiful, is beautiful and will forever be beautiful. Halleluyah! 

And His beauty is reflected and manifested in His creatures. Lucifer called the The Devil was an epitome of the indescribable beauty of God. In Him was the Beauty of the God- Head encapsulated.

Romans 1:20
For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made.

Rev. 4:11 gives credence to this truth that God is worthy to receive worship because He created all things for His pleasure.

 Lucifer was created to give God pleasure.  Every precious stones in the Kingdom of Heaven was represented in Lucifer.raiment; no wonder he was named ' a bright morning star,  son of the dawn'.
 He is 'a' bright morning star ( Isaiah 14:12) while our LORD Jesus The Christ is ' The Bright Morning Star'. ( Rev. 22:16; 2 Peter 1:19)

The Bible stated that Lucifer was adorned this:
"Every precious stone adorned you: carnelian, chrysolite and emerald, topaz, onyx and jasper, lapis lazuli, turquoise and beryl. 
Your settings and mountings were made of gold; on the day you were created they were prepared.".

He was the perfection of what Beauty is in God'. If you wanted to know how beautiful Elohim is, you only needed to look at Lucifer adorned in every precious stones (what we call jewellery or costliest diamond and gold).  

The most expensive, the most beautiful was put on him to.give God pleasure as.The Most High gazed on Lucifer as a.covering Cherub. 

Mere mortals, who are we to question The Almighty on why He created Us to give Him pleasure. He is The ONLY FIRST AND LAST, THE BEGINING AND THE END. He is The "Kabiyesi' that no god's or being can question. 

He created ALL THINGS and beings: Invisible and invisible, spirits, beasts, living creatures,  bodily human, planets and alien.
He is ALL IN ALL for all things. He knoweth all things, NO ONE knows the depths of His thoughts and Wisdom.
Glory! Halleluyah.  
He is the God who can speak and bring to past
But He can also bring to past and then speak
He enthroned WHOSOEVER He likes
And He can also dethrones such when they refuse to acknowledge Him and worship Him
They may acknowledge Himas the UnKnOWN God as the Being who created ALL THINGS 
Satan may want to partake of this worship and give them rules that support his character 
Though this people will not get saved and inherite eternal life because they do not believe in Jesus Christ, The Way
But they will live because they acknowledge the Unseen and Unknow God as the Source of their life
He is OUR Father,our Protector, our Helper, our Enricher, who brings salvation, healing and prosperity
He is our LORD and KING forever!
Glory to His Holy Name Forever and evermore

Lucifer now called Satan  was a covering Cherub, his wings and very Being covered the glory of God. He was lightening, He was Beautiful because of His Purpose.
The purpose.of Lucifer was for The Almighty to derive pleasure in Himself. So God puts all His beauty at that time in creating Lucifer thus the Bible said : The seal of perfection of Beauty' and he remained admired by other angels, sparkling with the glory and beauty of God UNTIL THIS HAPPENED!


Lucifer was in His element and glory as long as his beauty caused the other angels and creatures to worship God in the heaven,

The Bible.spoke.of the Seraphim's in Revelation 4:9-11
"Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever, the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives for ever and ever.
 They lay their crowns before the throne and say: 

“You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.”

As the Seraphim's worshipped God non- stop which is their purpose in Heaven, the 24 elders in heaven, lay down their crowns and bow and worship God 

But Lucifer got to a point in heaven when he began to admire ' how beautiful and famous he had become in heaven. He beauty began to draw attention to himself instead to God.
The Bible stated that HIS BEAUTY MADE Lucifer proud while the SWEET VOICES of the Seraphims made other creatures to lay down their crowns to worship The Most High, The King of kings and LORD of Lords 

We must be very  careful as believers. You can   get to a point as a believer  and minister.when what God can tolerant and overlook in other upcoming believers will be punishable and unpardonable if you commit the same.

The.same wealth, anointing, wisdom, honour, beauty, intellect that God endowed and gave you as a gift can be the same that will lead you into pride and the presence of God 
Lucifer now called the Devil was cast out of Eden when he became proud because of His beauty. 

The same beauty that got Vashti to the Palace was the same beauty that stole the throne from her and made  her become  a forgotten Queen. She lost the glory and the favour of the King 

Father, please have mercy on Us that the same virtues and gifts you used to enthrone Us will not cause our dethronement.

Mercy! Mercy! Mercy ! Mercy! Mercy! Mercy! Mercy! Mercy YAHWEH

AL. Hephzibah.


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