
Showing posts from September, 2023


InSpired # Thoughts God is good is a iyric that l grew up singing and also a ruthm which l love to energetic dance steps. This so g was written and ministered by Dob Meon,bone of the most famous America Musician.  Sometimes l marvel that the singer is still relevant after waves on waves of different genre of Gospel music. I guess of him, Psalm 92:12-15 has become gis lifelong reality. He kept on saying " God is G.O.O.D for so long, Heaven is obligated to make it his experience. "Yes! Look how you’ve made all your devoted lovers to flourish like palm trees, each one growing in victory, standing with strength! You’ve transplanted them into your heavenly courtyard, where they are thriving before you, for in your presence they will still overflow and be anointed. Even in their old age they will stay fresh, bearing luscious fruit and abiding faithfull y. Listen to them! With pleasure they still proclaim: “ You’re so good! You’re my beautiful strength! You’ve never made a mistake w

Jehovah Has A Heart

JEHOVAH HAS A HEART One of my most favourite Bible  sentences is Genesis 6:6b-He was sorry he had made them. It broke his heart. I came across this bible passage for the first time as a new convert and the phrase it broke his heart jumped at me.   Then I realised for the first time that the Almighty has a heart whose feelings can be hurt by my actions.  Other versions say " And it grieved his heart,  Just as unrequited love is heart broken to a lover, so our actions can grieve God.  loving a guy who does not  reciprocate yr love  can be hurtful. .You may have a smile pasted on your face for the world but your  heart may be  shedding tears profusely,  Sometimes we view God as the Almighty, so big that nothing can hurt Him. Truly He is bigger than what we can imagine. Truly He does not need us to be God, He is God alone from the first and the last . But it is certainly humbly to me that my love+struck Jehovah is grieved by some of my actions and thoughts. It is a rare privilege that


InSpired YOU MAY NEVER LIVE THE MAXIMISED LIFE UNLESS..... The potentials in every Daughter/Son of Zion is inestimable.  Solutions to the world problems are within every Child of God;  if only we can learn about the Life of the Spirit and the power of the human soul under the tutelage of the spirit. Secular Scientists and Technologist are inventing great gadgets, equipment; ideas that keep the  planet earth fruitful according to God's commission in Genesis 1. it means the believer can do much more.   God says in the Book of Psalms ‘ye are gods’ and told Moses in Exodus 4:15-16 ‘Aaron will be your mouth for I will put my words into his mouth, you shall be as God unto Him.’ This is the relationship between every regenerated believer and the Almighty. The Bible says ‘Christ in ME, the Hope of glory. The day you believed in Christ and surrender your heart to God, the Almighty Himself came into your heart and took His abode in your spirit.  It is not a little ,'god' that came to

Soul Series Train Yr Soul

InSpired JESUS TRAINED HIS SOUL TO DO  THE WILL OF THE FATHER The Soul of a man comprises of the volition (his will), its intellect (his mind) and its affection (desires, passions and feelings). These are the faculties through which the Life of the Spirit in your inner man flows to your environment. Our Lord Jesus employed these various faculties during its earthly ministry. There are  instances in the New Testament which noted that when Jesus Christ our Lord met certain persons in pain,  He had compassion  and healed them.  This is the Holy Spirit using the soul faculty of affection in Jesus Christ to reach out to the needy.  Just as the Holy Spirit uses the various facilities of the Human Soul for His operations on earth, the Enemy also desires to employ the same faculties for his purpose of stealing, killing and destroying.  You chose which master will  use your soul faculties for its operation on earth. You must understand how important you are to the work of the Almighty. After th

Power of The Soul

InSpired InSpired THE POWER OF YOUR SOUL The Human soul is so important and has the power to either enhance or hinder the workings of the Holy Spirit in man and through a man on earth. When the Holy Spirit entered your inner man (spirit) through the new birth  experience at age 5,12, 20, 40, 65, 89 depending on the age, you gave your life to Christ, your inner man experiences the new birth and now has the Life and nature of the Spirit. "The Holy Spirit begins the operation of revealing the Will of the Father to you and He does this in your spirit man.  “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth.  He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.  He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you.  All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will receive from me wh


Oppression is a state of the spirit and the mind when fear and intimidation controls the thoughts of s man and incapacited him from taking necessary steps that are needed for progress  The death of late musician whose voice and blood still speaks on and will continue to speak for a long time reminds me that that the Don of God Jesus Christ died so that he could set the oppressed free. Acts ,10:38 says Satan will always chose to oppressed either through 


Marry Your Friend 6 Tips For  Rapport in Marriage. 1. Being  Authentic and Deep intimate talks Is the crux of Friendship in Marriage 2. Be generous with your praise at all times;  for liberty in spirit consist of using Gracious Words in your dealings with your spouse. 3. Cultivating intimacy is an art that  can be learn after the Wedding Night : Become your partner friend now by caring about what is important to them. 4. Profusely use positive compliments to  emphasis strenght;.  consciously play down flaws & weaknesses.  Never correct your spouse in the presence of third parties . Rather jokingly correct mistakes privately. 6. It's a wrong mindset to believe that praising your Spouse will make them heady. Praise often because you are ordained to become their best Cheerleader.


TESTIMONIAL@ MADOP & ASSOCIATES EFFICIENT TRAINING MODULES  l got my first high paying  job through The kind MD of Madop Associate, Mrs Funke AlomoOluea. . She is a Consultant par excellence in training and equipping people in ultimate performance in productivity and life. God used the Madop taught principles in career and business management to help me excel in my job. I am attending the Zoom Webinar on Macroeconomy in business stability and Ultimate performance in productivity on Sept 16th, 2023 on the Zoom platform. Please join the Zoom Meeting by registering Below and you are assurred and guaranteed an awesome learning experience  Hephzibah Abigail Event Planner and Trainer.

#EXCELLENCE BUG@Daystar Christian Centre

 # EXCELLENCE BUG@ Daystar Christian Center God is  "The matchless God": He is incomparable; and has no equal and surpass all in His operations in all things. He saved and redeemed Humanity by giving His best; Jesus Christ, His Son as Saviour.   Excellence is not just doing things: handling your family, spouse, children, career, relatiomships finance with skillfulness and expertise  that  surpass any other: Rather 'Excellence' is managing your life, relationships, family, career, Nations to match the exceptional stardard of the matchless Elohim, The Creator.  Daystar Christian Center has taught me and million of others excellence  through their organisational, systematic and structural operations of the Kingdom and Adamic Mandate.   The best Stardard humanly and divinely possible is reflected in the weekly Service delivery, the management and shepherding of the lives and destines of God's greatest asset on Earth; Humans  especially the Believers The beautiful memb


InSpired Scriptures There are times you have read a particular verses of Scripture the hundredth time and yet your eyes are closed to some truth. Then God leads you either by yourself or a challenge of reading nine (9) chapter of the Bible per day and you see Old Scriptures in new light this is what the anointing of the Holy Spirit does to you when you consciously invite Him to navigate the scriptures with you  Jesus Christ, The LORD and The Master and our perfect examples says :  1. If You Hold Anger: √   negative feelings, √  you are unhappy at them either because they wrong you or not √ You desire to pay them back evil for evil for the wrong they committed against you √ You imagined evil and harm coming against them to show they have wronged you  Jesus Christ our LORD said if you have any of the above thoughts concerning your brother and sisters in Christ without repenting, He said you have actually murdered them. WHY? All the above actions can result in their death. Your anger agai


InSpired Scriptures There are times you have read a particular verses of Scripture the hundredth time and yet your eyes are closed to some truth. Then God leads you either by yourself or a challenge of reading nine (9) chapter of the Bible per day and you see Old Scriptures in new light this is what the anointing of the Holy Spirit does to you when you consciously invite Him to navigate the scriptures with you  Jesus Christ, The LORD and The Master and our perfect examples says :  1. If You Hold Anger: √   negative feelings, √  you are unhappy at them either because they wrong you or not √ You desire to pay them back evil for evil for the wrong they committed against you √ You imagined evil and harm coming against them to show they have wronged you  Jesus Christ our LORD said if you have any of the above thoughts concerning your brother and sisters in Christ without repenting, He said you have actually murdered them. WHY? All the above actions can result in their death. Your anger agai


InSpired Scriptures There are times you have read a particular verses of Scripture the hundredth time and yet your eyes are closed to some truth. Then God leads you either by yourself or a challenge of reading nine (9) chapter of the Bible per day and you see Old Scriptures in new light this is what the anointing of the Holy Spirit does to you when you consciously invite Him to navigate the scriptures with you  Jesus Christ, The LORD and The Master and our perfect examples says :  1. If You Hold Anger: √   negative feelings, √  you are unhappy at them either because they wrong you or not √ You desire to pay them back evil for evil for the wrong they committed against you √ You imagined evil and harm coming against them to show they have wronged you  Jesus Christ our LORD said if you have any of the above thoughts concerning your brother and sisters in Christ without repenting, He said you have actually murdered them. WHY? All the above actions can result in their death. Your anger agai