Give thanks

With a grateful

Give thanks

To the Holy God

Give thanks

Because He has given Jesus Christ His Son

And now, 

let the weak say ' I am strong'

Let the poor say ' I am rich'

Because of what

The Lord.has done for me

Give thanks.

Song Credit: Don Meon



God deserves your heartfelt praises  and appreciations at all times. I had a chat with a dear friend today and she reinforced the need to appreciate The Almighty at all seasons

Sometimes we only give Him our heartfelt praises when we have  experienced a miracle which in our  estimation is remarkable and awesome.

I was driving this afternoon through the main road of the City of Akure in Nigeria and suddenly  the brake of my four years old second -hand Honda Bulldog  car became stiff and uncontrollable at the middle of a  the road. 

My mind ran in riot on what to do when suddenly the Holy Spirit reminded me of the tip given by my mechanic to always use the hand brake whenever l experienced a challenge with the leg brake.

"But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you" John 14:26

Quickly, l applied the hand brake and the car stopped in the middle of the road.

This is the miracle: l did not hear a bump sound of any car hitting mine from behind and my car did not run into any vehicle in front. The car stopped suddenly  in the middle of the second line of a major road in the City of Akure.

I muttered a 'thank you Father' and drove the car carefully and slowly to the mechanic using the hand brake to navigate it.

On my way back from that trip, I saw a car involved in an accident with two other vehicles and as l slowed down at the scene of the accident; l could hear the noise of ' You are at fault" and the other person responded " my brake failed, did l planned  to hit your car deliberately? 

Then l realised the magnitude of the deliverance and protection God gave me and my car earlier.  The same brake failure but divine mercy preserved me.

"If the Lord had not been on our side— let Israel say — if the Lord had not been on our side" Psalm 124:1-2a

Immediately l started to appreciate  God profusely- "Father, thank you for your angels who kept me safe in the morning. I appreciate you that my car was not involve in an accidrnt. I am grateful LORD! 

Now, l knew what would have happened to me if He had not intervened.

We must learn to thank God at all times especially  when waiting for the fulfillment of a particular promise. My dear friend said she praises God more with dancing when she has no money in her pocket; her appreciation is more in times of scarcity than times of abundance. I made up my mind to appreciate God more at all times.

Apostle Paul said in Philippians 4 "Giving thanks at all times: is the secret of the  continually flow of God's goodness and grace.

"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."

1 These. 5:16-17


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