

CHRIST without WALLs

So l lived in this Estate where each flat is a bungalow and separated by a tall wall. One day, I heard crying and shouting from my neighbour'  flat;   I was concerned and wanted to help but I could not because of the tall wall between us.

Fence walls are good because of their protective purposes, their uniqueness of giving privacy and branding for our individualism.

 But they become a trap and a pain when they hold us back from getting the help we need and from being our neighbours' keeper.

Church Denominations are allowed and ordained by God to cater for our cultural difference, political inclinations, social behaviours and personality uniqueness etc but they should not take our eyes off our common focus CHRIST IN US, OUR HOPE OF GLORY.

You were all called to travel on the same road and in the same direction, so stay together, both outwardly and inwardly.
You have one Master, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who rules over all, works through all and is present in all Ephesians 4: 7

Believers all over the world are brothers and sisters no matter your race, tongue, culture and personality.. We are begotten by one Spirit, have same constitution and code of conduct and most important one Father.

We are bought by the same Blood of Christ and at the same price.
It means if a member mishaves, he has somehow affected the reputation of the Body of Christl and not just himself., because a believer  winning is raising the  banner that Christ is Superior and has won. 

When a great man of God fails, its an indicator and a fear signal that it can happen to another believer. Our kingdom is ridiculed, our faith mocked. 

Therefore we ought to pray for one another even if we don't attend the same denomination because we are all enforcing the victory of Christ and are backed by Christ' Spirit.

Its not a race of who has the largest denomination or church, whose congregation is the richest. It is about Christ and us been on the winning side.

Check history, any time politicians want to win a political race, first they  divide the church along denominations and church ideologies or doctrines. 

Then the Church begins the act of  presenting two candidates to God for approval in prayers.. What happens? the side with the strongest reasons, plans  and strategies before God wins because God said present your strong argument

Daily, the Church is losing it voice in world affair and we  having lesser representative in the legislation and Business world because we are more interested in building a name and dynasty for ourselves and immediate family and forget about the joint dynasty of Christ we are charged to build.

You are my brother and sister if you believe and obey Christ, I should attend your church special program and support it if led by the Spirit.

 I should pray for the success of your  program as long as it honour Christ. 

Christ our Lord prayed " Father make them one as we are One. He said, a house divide against itself shall not start.

I pray God will bond His Church in His Love and make us one indeed inspire of our denominational differences.

A L. Hephzibah


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