
The Patriarch Abraham was called by God at 75years and walked with God for 100years. He was also a pioneer of a new order, so his age did not impeded his purpose.

 The Bible noted that Isaac called on God at age 60 on behalf of his wife Rebecca and  built the first altar to The Almighty when he was way over 60 years. Gen 26;25.

King Josiah was 8 years when he ascended the throne of his father King David and he did well with the help of the right men who surrounded him.

There is this beautiful fragrance of Yahweh conversing with the Sons of men, relating with them.

We are talking about the awesome, awesomeness Almighty, who knows the foundation of the earth and its exact measurements.

He asked Job "Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? Job 38.

Nathaniel Bassey rightly describes Yahweh as The awesome wonder.

Joseph started out with Yahweh through his father from birth. He became the favourite of his father because he was the son of his beloved wife Rachel.

Autimatucally, Jacob poured himself into Jacob so much that at age 17years, Joseph' s heart was ready to.receiwve the divine purpose through the dream given by God.

Preparation of heart and the fear of God separated Joseph for divine purpose of preserving Israel from complete extinction. 

While Joseph had the spectacular purpose of been Prime minister in Egypt, prophecy shows that Judea was the chosen for generational purpose. 

Prophet Jacob  prophecy that Judah's brother will bow to him and the sceptre shall not depart from Judea until the rightful owner comes for it

In our walk with God we must be carefully about prophecy and God's timing. We must not fall into the trap of stereotypes.

The World is at the stage of young Presidents and leaders and we must understand it strated from the Church. But each believer must still be sensitive to allow the sovereignty of God in His dealings in their lives. 

A. L. Hephzibah.


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