Silent and invisible Herorine


Other women in the Israelites camp had resolved to fate, they had concluded that it was the will of Yahweh to afflict them sore by allowing Pharaoh to kill their  new born sons.

Probably they reasoned and believed 'Yahweh is the Almighty and can stop any thing and all things, therefore if Pharaoh take our sons and Jehovah did not stop him then it's probably Yahweh allowed it for a reason'

But Jochebed, the wife of Amram, a descendant of Levi, who was born to the Levites in Egypt. To Amram she bore Aaron, Moses and their sister Miriam. stood up in time and à dispensation.and said to herself

 ' Pharaoh, you can take the children of others but you won't take mine. Numbers 26:58

She stood up though she was  restricted by a decree . Although, her husband was silent in this matter;  she recognised her unique place of been Help - meet when his silence means " surrender"

She did the impossible by the help of God. Women who sits when danger calls,  end up with harm in their family.
We may not be the head of the family but we can win battles with God as our back- up in our assigned place in the family

You may never have heard about Amram if Jochebed did not do all she could to preserve her seed.

God needed a deliverer in Egypt; no prophecy said a 'Moses' would  be born for this particular task, no prophet prophesied that the seed of Amram will deliver the children of Abraham from Egypt after 400years. 

God only promised Abraham- your seed will be in a foreign land for 400years, and then l will deliver them.

The Bible did not state if Jochebed knew about this prophecy of deliverance; all Jochebed was concerned about was preserving her seed from the hand of the enemy and her singular action brought her seed into the FULFILLMENT OF A PROPHECY THAT WAS OVER 400 YEARS

Her initiated action brought her seeds into.divine agenda and today generations celebrate her name. She is a prototype of an intercessor.

Unlike Eve who the Bible did not mentioned anything she did to prevent the death of her seed -Abel, Jochebed stood up and as she did, the God of Heaven gave a plan, an inspiration that the Enemy could not withstand.

And the very enemy that was supposed to kill her son was the same enemy who trained her son for his divine calling.

Everything created by God has a purpose and is designed for a particular task.

Would Moses had been killed if Jochebed had not rose as a Mother in Israel in Eygpt?

 YES! because other sons were killed but three of her children became pacesetters, game changer in the Kingdom of God and in Human History.


WOMB(MAN)! you are ordained and anointed by God to be a reproducer, a seed multiplier, a replenisher, a helper to your husband God-given vision.

Heaven will reveal what part you played to see that his vision is fulfilled on earth.

Have you forgotten that the Bible says "The two shall become one". You are his other part. While the pressure is on Him to make destiny changing decisions, you are free to solicite God on his behalf that he will accurately access the heart of God for every decision.

I met a member of my church unit group at the car park  ( male and happily married)  and travelled in the same bus for Shiloh 2019 and at a point we had challenges with transportation to our final destination.

I celebrate his determined and spirited efforts to get us a cab but all efforts did not yeild the desired result.

At a point, I joined in the search for transport but we were not successful

I became  agitated and unhappy because we had to walk back and forth with my luggages. 

I had two options, complained about his decisions or keep quiet.

But, the Holy Spirit reminded me to pray silently. I could have resolved to complaining about the various aborted efforts to get a cab but l guess the Holy Spirit was teaching important lessons for marriage.

I learnt from this experience to leave the decision making to the man, make your suggestions, pray about your perceptions but leave him to make the decision by God's help.

Submission is almost impossible without the help of the Holy Spirit. Unless you have been programmed by culture, background to allow your husband take the lead, you will certainly need divine help and reprogramming to surrender the steering of your life, home and family to your spouse while you follow his lead 

God help you if you are a lady used to making decisions for yourself and by yourself as a result of background and circumstances 

Then trust me on this, you will need extra tutorial classes and training by the Holy Spirit to learn true submission .

The Bible says:

 Philippians 2:5-7
In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.

God will certainly help us !

A.L. Hephzibah


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