Truly, the Bible says the poor shall not cease from the land and this is a reality in every nation in the World.
The best of nation has their share of the poor who look up to others for sustainability.
But your dual citizenship ( You are a citizen of Heaven and you have a right to earthly riches) makes poverty an abomination in your life.
As a Son and Daughter of Zion, you were entitled to the whole Estate  of Christ  at the instance of His death and resurrection.
This is food for thought, Christ paid the price for your access to all the riches in His Kingdom. 
Zelophehad died in the wilderness because of his sins but his daughters did not suffer the consequences of their father sins rather  they partook of his inheritance. 

These ladies did not folded their hands and exclaimed ' whatever will be will be.". Rather, they were pro-active and demanded what was theirs by right of birth.

Study about your inheritance in Christ and ensure you enjoy it in your lifetime.

Also, they were young ladies who operated above the limitations in their generations.
These gals were able to change the order of things by logically and intellectually presenting their strong argument of why they deserved the inheritance of their dead father 
They understood the ways of the Kingdom in the dispensation of the Law.
And a new law was enacted for their sake and for the benefits of other women after their generations.

In relentless pursuit of  what rightly belonged to them, boldness and confidence drove away fear and the  opinions of men could not stop them.

The pursuit to know God and His ways is open to whosoever believes therefore don't stop your pursuit, the Bible recorded  in  Joel 2:28 " in the last day, l will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, your young male and female shall prophesy.
There are various ways you can serve God in your generation without becoming the set woman in your family and ministry.
Although there are women called to pioneer a movement or start a new work but majority of us are just equipped by the Holy Spirit to help our spouse in fulfilling their God given vision.

Therefore as a young lady  submit yourself to the Holy Spirit who knows your future 
He will subject you to adequate preparation that you need in your assignment and endeavours. 
It is unsafe to wait till the day of battle to learn how to handle and use your battle weapons.
Private and behind the scene training   is paramount for a successful walk with God.

Do not display publicly what you have not perfected privately, for you may be tested for every assertion you declare.
David did not learn how to defeat Goliath, the enemy of Israel on the battle field with the enemy standing face to face.
He was trained to defeat Goliath before he met the giant.

A.L. Hephzibah.


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