Marital choice of who to marry and who not to marry is one of the most important decisions in the life of a person.
Human Imperfection has introduced all kinds of challenges and problems and marriage is one of the institution created by God as a succour.

God commanded the daughters of Zelophehad to marry whoever they think is best for them but on one condition -They must marry within their clan and their family in Israel.

1. We attend the same denomination and are exposed to the same biblical truth, doctrines and lifestyle. Therefore the areas of friction in our home will be in its barest minimum.

2. We are from the same geographical zone in Nigeria; from the same tribe, we speak same language and our cultural beliefs are same.
 We will have similar mindset for handling issues in the marriage.

3. We belong to the same social and intellectual class. We will have similar field of experience and interaction.

4. We are Believers and believe in one God, one baptism  and are ruled by one Spirit though we belong to different Church denomination.
Whatever interpretation adopted by your denomination, ensure you.are fully persuaded  for faith is one of the catalysts for success in any matter.

Kindly permit me to use this Scriptural passage in the context of the New Testament.  In 2 Cor. 6:14 , the Holy Spirit said:
"You are not the same as those who do not believe, 
so do not join yourself with them. 
Good and bad do not belong together.
 Light and darkness cannot share together..... 
What can a believer have together with an non- believer ' 

The Bible forbids marriage between believers and nonbeliever because  represent two different  kindgoms guided by different rules.
When both parties are make one through marriage; a home filled with crisis is inevitable. 

it is either the believing wife bends to the rules of the husband to maintain peace in the home or God performs a transformation miracle on the husband.

He/she attends Church and speak in tongues is not a guarantee of compatibility- individual's belief system is crucial.

The case of Rachel, the wife of Jacob is a good example of this situation: 
Rache was married to a patriarch  and had no business with untimely death yet she died. 

Though she loved her husband but it seemed  love for the God of Jacob  was not deeply rooted in her heart. Ephesians 3:17-19. 
 Gen 31:19  recoded 'When Laban had gone to shear his sheep, Rachel stole her father’s household gods."

And please don't make the mistake of thinking he/she will  be changed after marriage.
it's only God who transforms men and your choice may not yield to the love of Christ.

A.L. Hephzibah


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