1 Cor. 2;15 says ' we have the mind of Christ'  
You have the Word of God at your disposal and should know God' s thoughts on issues of life.

Even on issues that the Bible do not expressly give  instructions, the Holy Spirit within you can guide you in the best way for you.
I have learnt that it is best to seek God' s help and counsel in any matter He  gives you unrestricted choice. 
It is safer to act like Prophet Ezekiel when God asked him ' Can this dry bones live'
Ezekiel threw the question back to the  Omniscient and Omnipotent God " Only thou knowth Sir'

We can rightly say if God would help in the choice of choosing a marital partner, God will not go against his stardard, He will connect  you to someone you will  like as shown in the case of Adam and Eve.
God brought Eve to Adam and she was what Adam wanted as revealed by his reaction when he saw Eve.

I will advise you pray through every marital choice you have for more than one person may appeal to you as a potential partner.
Also, do not allow anyone potential candidate threaten you with 'Thus sayth the Lord, you are my life partner.
God will always confirm His purpose to you as long as you have the desire to always please Him.
He guided Joseph back to his purpose when he was thinking of breaking his engagement to Mary.
The King of Egypt was warned to return Abraham' s wife to Him.
God can certainly confirm His will to you. 
Psalm 32:8 states that The Lord will guide you in the way that is best for you.
And to access this wonderful promise,  you must develop a strong relationship with the Holy Spirit through intense study of the Word and obedience to divine instructions. 
This relationship with the Holy Spirit equipped you to discern the good and perfect will of God for your life.
The word 'DISCERN'  is carefully used because the deception in the Society is alarming and you will surely need the Spirit help to know that which is of God and thosr which are not of Him.
The reason you need a personal  professional shopper is not because you don't know what clothing you like or you don't like. But a professional shopper has accurate information  and expertise about brands, prices and quality.
Moreso,  they know what dress fits what occasion and other details.
The reason you need the Holy Spirit in making the right marital choice is because though you know what you like, wish and think is best for you, the Holy Spirit has a superior idea of what is the good and perfect will of God.
I am allowed to do all things but not all things are good for me to do. 1 Cor. 6:1
Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called ; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. Ephesians 4:3-5
God, our Father demonstrated throughout the Scriptures His irrevocable willingness to accept men and women from all tribes and nations as long as they are circumcised either in the flesh or in their heart.
Sometimes, God may lead you to seek for marital choice outside your denomination and tribe. Kindly follow His leading for He knows what is best for your life 

A. L. Hephzibah


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