Happy New Wine- new level of His anointing, grace, wisdom and His favor; every believer will need these four virtues because the End -time is here and Satan is on the rampage. You noticed in 2013, a lot of people died, believers inclusive, the enemy is utilizing every loop- hole to attack and will win if permitted in any quarter. I am here to say today, GOD IS FAITHFUL.
The year 2013 opened on the note of promises made by many quarters, the Presidency, government officials, corporate organizations, individual and personal promises. I will do this, accomplish that……………are promises made to self.
Some were pursued and achieved
Some pursued but not achieved
And some not pursued at all.
Whatever your case, I want to introduce you again to The God , whose name is FAITHFUL.
 2 Timothy 2:13 says
Even when we are too weak to have any faith left, he remains faithful to us and will help us, for he cannot disown us who are part of himself, and he will always carry out his promises to us. 
God is awesome; I have never met a Being as kind, patient and understanding as Him. He is the epitome of kindness and his patience knows no bounds.
He understands us more than we understand ourselves. The scripture says we do not have an High Priest who cannot be touched by the feelings of our infirmities. Unless your perception about God is right, you may not enjoy his best. He cares for us and wants the best for us.
His promises are ‘Yes and Amen’. Once they are written in the Bible, it’s a cleared cheque, it can never bounce. The question is what you do to enjoy God’s best in 2014.
You must know that because His promises are ‘Yes and Amen,’ you must believe them to enjoy them. Whatever you desire in 2014, there is a corresponding scripture in the Bible that guarantees it provision. Stop been lazy and waiting for others, even your pastor to do all your bible study for you; Intimacy with the bible is synonymous with intimacy with God esp. if you read the Bible to know Him and not for show-off motives.  The Bible must first bless you before it can bless others through you. So once you see a scripture that promises your desire- then take it and talk about it to God. For example, anytime I notice lack around me, the Holy Ghost reminds me to sought God with Psalm 23:1. So I go to Him in prayer in this manner, 
‘Thank you father for you are my shepherd, you are in control of my life, therefore every needs is met, I have all I need’. Then I mention my specific needs, after praying thus, I wait patiently, for I understand that God is not a magician though he has the ability to make things appeared and disappear. Also I use a promise in the book of Timothy to pray; it says ‘he who fails to take care of His household is worst than an infidel. I pray thus:  Father , you are a responsible father who will take care of my needs as a member of your family- God , I know you are not an infidel, you are a responsible Father, take care of these need.
Others may use the scripture that says God you promised that whatever we ask in the name of Jesus you will do so that the name of the son may bring glory to you, I ask that my needs be met and they will go ahead and mention the specific need. So others may use the scripture that says, the Lord shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory but remember the last promise is a conditional promise. The key is to use God’s Word in praying pray. What about those who just pray without their prayers attaché to a specific promise and get their prayers answered. Notice, some of these people spent ten hours, days, and months on mountaintop, praying for what the Father as promised.  Prayers a times esp .to the father should be as one having conversation with a senior friend.
This is my nugget for today, see you tomorrow for another by His grace.


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