​She was a representative of the Abrahamic seed in feminine form- She is Dinah, the only recorded daq
Spired of Leah and Jacob.

 Her great grand father Abraham had a covenant of honour and royalty with the Almighty and every of Abraham seed is destined, designed for honour and glory.

But she was raped, violated because the Bible recorded  she went to visit with the daughters of the Land. (Gen

The case of Dinah is pathetic because she was a victim of rape; a young girl with a promising future  forcefully violated.

Though,  I strongly condemn rape in entirety even when self induced;  l will like to emphasis the importance of staying in the confines of God's provision for our safety as Believers.

Association is a major determinant of the outcome and fruits of a man's destiny. The Bible noted that ' he who walks with the wise will become wise and a company of fools will be ruined.

While God commands that a man and woman must be married before sexual inteecourse is initiated, the daughters of the Land of Hivite are ruled by a different sexual law. 

The idols of the Land allows sexual cruelty, promiscuity and sexual relationship outside the boundary of marriage.

You must ensure your friends and close associate in the office, school.and at home are men and women whose lifestyles honour the Word of God. 
1Cor. 15:33 says "Do not be fooled, Bad friends will ruin good habits. Come back to your right way of thinking and stop sinning.

Every association has written and unwritten codes of conduct.  You intend to imbibe the tenets of the association you expose yourself to over time.

 Association in Social media era has gone beyond inter personal -relationship.

People spend more time with social media and cable television than they spend in inter-personal relationship.
In your living room, bedroom, rest room, social media has become one of the closest companion of people.

Therefore you must carefully examine what you see and hear on these media.

If you expose yourself on a.daily basis to contents that's are anti-scriptural, very soon the direction and outcome of your life will reflect these negative contents.

Dinah went to the daughter of the Land and what happened to the daughters of the land happened to her.

Negative and anti-scriptural media contents has this subtil way of eroding your beliefs in the Bible and replacing it with thinking patterns that are contrary to the Truths in the Bible.

Guard your heart and association with all diligence for the issues of your life depend on it.

A L. Hephzibah



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