
Isaac and the inherited Covenant
Isaac was born into richesq. He inherited wealth and a covenant of eternal blessings from his father Abraham.
Abraham walked with Gid and left an inheritance for Isaac. Yet the pilgrim of Isaac had its it problems or for the use of a progressive language, it had it own challenges, which tested his faith and his walk with God.
Isaac had to learn to walk with God, hear his voice and obey Him after the death of his father Abraham. Truly, he inherited wealth, but the enemy was waiting to steal and destroy his inheritance. Isaac preserved his inheritance  by God' help.
It was his walk with God which influenced the life of Rebecca his wife. Rebecca was not just married to a spiritual man, she learnt to hear God herself, thus established a recommendable value for spiritually inheritance.
We must cultivate and nurture a personal relationship with God in this generation of fast food Christianity. You must not just be a miracle receiver you must walk with God to create miracles through you. This will make the work of Church leaders easier and made world evagelisation a reality. 
The year 2017 may hold its own challenges, but know that God is on your side therefore expect victory without a fight as Daddy GO said. Wherever you go this year, expect His presence to go with you because He promised, I will never you or forsake you. Its well.


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