Yesterday I wrote that your '1' plus '1' may not equal 2  because of sin,  ignorance but God's sovereignty may be at work. 
 Today I want to write abt remaining at your duty post whn your '1' plus '1' is not equal two. 
'One day as Zacharias was going about his work in the Temple-for his division was on duty that week... Zacharias was in the sanctuary when suddenly an angel appeared standing to the right of the altar of incense.' Luke 1:8,11  
Zacharais kept on working, serving   despite his childlessness . Sometimes, whn our expectations are not meant, our desires unfulfilled, we may want to give up on hope and leave our duty post in the family, relationship and God's kingdom. (Backsliding is not when  you stop going to church- whenever your zeal and passion is on the wane, you are backsliding).
 Most times it happens subtly, without you knowing. I will give you two instances from my life. Many years back, I was praying for a servant of God and saw it as my personal responsibility to intercede for his ministry. Then this MOG hurt me big time. Before I knew it, I stopped intercession for the ministry. Then the Holy Spirit corrected me dt God gave me His love unconditionally, I must do all I do for others unconditionally. 
The second instance was a training program I organised,  before this program,  I read in the bible that crowds always gather to listen to Jesus preach and they were healed of all their diseases. I began to confess ds scripture to myself that crowds will always gathered in any meeting I organised. Then I organised my first public decorations training program, printed fliers, distributed them, rented an hall, full preparation for training program and only two people turned up. After this 'seeming' failure, I stopped confessing that particular scripture and concluded the promise was not for me. (Ignorance is a killer disease)  You must understand that I was responsible for the failure of the training program. God' promises are Yes and Amen. 
1. Jesus was fulfilling divine mandate, when he was preaching the word and wherever carcass is a  vulture will gather, because dt their food.
2. I changed the venue of this particular program and did not inform the public instead I placed a banner at former venue notifying the new venue.
3. Lastly, When I was doing the feasibility study for de training, opinion sampling showed  that organising a decoration training for one weekend is doomed for failure because it takes a minimum of one month to learn decorations.
So that project failed not because The Word was not potent rather because my planning and strategy was wrong.
Zacharias kept serving though it seemed God had not heard his prayer for a child; he kept serving; though he had given up hope dt he will ever have a child (this fact is revealed by his reaction when the angel told him he will have a son, he did not believe).
He kept on serving because he knew God was his Last Bus-stop, his Final -answer and the only key to Eternal Life.
May our conviction in Christ run so deep, we will never consider other options except wait on Him. May we have deep resolute to say like Job- even if He slays me, yet I will love Him and serve Him.
 I remember the verses of a song which goes thus: 
if I suddenly woke
I find the bible is not real.......
I love Him all over again
All over again
Sweet Jesus
Wonderful Counsellor
Everlasting Father
All over again
Even in eternity
I love you all over again.


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