He was a fisher man, very skillful at it, he had his lips as a weapon, he was quick with words and assume to know much yet the Master ordained him to be the leader of the New Testwnt Church of Christ.
No other disviples demonstrates the love of the master for his Church as a husband is supposed to demonstrate his love for his wife as the relationship between Peter and our Lord Jesus.
We can be certain that few 21st Century leaders would have wanted the Peter the Cross to become the leader of people they made the greatest sacrifice for after their demise yet Christ, our Lord chose Peter of all the disciples to lead the Church  This is why Christ the LORD will always be our perfect example.
1Cor. 13:4-7
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.
Peter was a fisher when Christ met him, he was a frustrated skillful fisher that had given up on his trade on this fateful night he met the Messiah. 
He exclaimed ' we have fished all night and in this state, Christ called him " Follow me and l will make you a fisher of men.
Usually, God will not give you your wife as a F no shed product of perfection, if He does then the ministry of cleansing her and washing her with water may not be to your honour.
Unlike Eve, who was given to Arms as a finished or duct, God will usually give you a woman who will depend on you to build her as her Saviour Christ desires but this building up is done through you.
I guess John the Baptist could no longer afford to be a disciple of Jesus because he already had his own perfect ministry.
Peter was such a fisher man when he encounter with Christ but through the virtue of patient, Christ our Lord was able to transform the fearful, quick to speak and unlearned  Peter into a pioneering Apostle that wrote rich passages in the Bible.
Peter was the most opinionated disciple yet he was also the disciple who committed mor blunders.
From 'Master don't wash my feet, to Master wash my own body, to God forbid you will not die to denying Christ three times, Peter was destined for the toppest most position in the New Testa.wnt Church but he did not love like it but Christ love changed Him- Christ patiently tolerated Peter's flaws, corrected his blunders, interced for his weakness and empowered his strength.
This same Peter died a Marty for Christ.
Women are creature of emotions, beautiful emotions that allows tenderness, compassion and care to follow through them but for this virtue to have a free flow, every man must learn to be patient with his wife.
Western culture got it right in the I stance that's a man walks behind his wife to protect her back and l add to walk.after her pace.( It allows him the be patience to walk slowly after the woman.


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