Sincerely, the word 'LOVE' is the most important word for me in the World apart from the word 'The Christ' 

The Christ left His throne to become a man because of Love. 

He went through emotional and physical pain because of the same love. 

He died and resurrected because 'He so loved the world that He chose to died so that  any MAN/ WOMAN who can just take the simple step of believing in Him will have everlasting life:

In 1Cor. 13:4 the first attribute of true love is 'PATIENCE'. 

Intentionally, I wrote 'TRUE LOVE' because most of what is defined as love in Modern society is big deviation from the original template of The God called LOVE.

God ordained that the Love between husbands and wives consist of 'Philoes' and ' Eros' in its true sense.

But the foundation for every transaction of love either in the family, husband and wife, friends etc must be ' AGAPE' the God- kind of love.

The Holy Bible stated:
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.....'

Jesus Christ the LORD maintained a stance of patience throughout His interaction with His disciples.

An unlearned, impulsive and fearful fisherman like Peter became an APOSTLE Peter whose command and shadow heals the sick and raised the dead because he had a teacher who forbear and tolerated all his personality and temperamental flaws.

God in His infinite wisdom made the husband the head and thus the priest of the family.

Therefore, the man must learn to put on the cloak of forbearance in the family if he desires to love his wife as Christ loves the Church and gave himself for her. ( The pronoun 'HER' is deliberately used to describe the Church.

Merriam Webster Dictionary defines the word 'Patient' as following:

1.bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint

2.manifesting forbearance under provocation or strain 

3. not hasty or impetuous 

4.steadfast despite oppositiondifficulty, or adversity

In an instance, Peter toiled all night and then met the Messiah; who told 'cast your net on this side of the sea'

Immediately, Peter entered the defensive mode with his response ' we have toiled alnight but at thy word...:

There will be instances in the home whereby you as the husband received an instruction from God, have an idea and you discussed it with your wife.

Your wife being a natural creature of caution and safety- (wanting issues to be perfect because of the security of her family), may give you '101'reasons why she thinks your idea will not work.

Sometimes she may be right because she has the Spirit of the Almighty that gives her inspiration but the key word is 'deal with her with patience as Christ dealt with Peter.

In another example, Peter questioned Jesus' s ability and authority to hear from God. Jesus Christ told the disciples that He would die on the Cross. 

Apostle Peter in making called him aside and in this instance rebuked The Christ, saying  ' You shall not die'

The above scenes and others may arise in the family but you must learn to lean on  the same power that helped Jesus Christ our Lord to love His Church to help you.

You must learn to love your wife by your forbearance under provocation, sometimes keeping silence though painful when her emotions decide to find free expression without caution.

The impetuos, fearful Peter became the bold, courageous Apostle who's shadow heal the sick because Jesus Christ forbear his and did not give on him until Peter could handle the glory ordained for Him.

The Book of Timothy says ' a Pastor, Shepherd, Bishop who cannot handle his home should not be allowed to pastor the flock of God 

WHY? Your family is the first and most important member of your flock.

If you cannot effectively use love  to nurture your family in the fear of God, the Bible does not think you can do well with the flock of God 

I pray God will work out His patience in every Christian husband to love their wives as Christ loves the Church.

A L. Hephzibah.


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