
The Bible is a unique Holy Spirit inspired Book which contains examples and instructions for every aspect of Human Life and endeavour.

It is so structured that while the mistakes of certain people are documented; the success of others in the same area is also included.

Children are a gift from God, they are His heritage. They are the instruments for continuity of the Human race. 

Also, they are the pipes for the continually flow of God's life and power in a Cosmos where darkness is staging a take-over.

They determine the shape, face and content of the next generations. If children  are wrongly structured and mentored especially by the woman (who is given the privilege of housing them for the first nine months of their lives), we may be exposed to birthing and rearing a godless generations who do not know the One and true God.

 A child that is not well nurtured in the fear of God is a ready weapon for the Enemy to unleash his agenda of violence and mass destruction against Humanity.

Therefore, we cannot overlook the place of husband and his wife in shaping the mindsets of the next generation and bringing up their children in the fear and love of Christ Jesus.

Rebecca, the wife of Isaac was given a prophecy that the younger of her twins would serve the older.

Please note,  the prophecy was not that the older will not serve Yahweh, or cease to serve Yahweh. It was not that the older would not become great as the younger.

The prophecy was just that one nation will be greater than the other.
But Rebecca and Isaac  managed the lives of the children in such a way that the younger indeed was found by God but the older; Esau walked away from Yahweh,  instead.of walking with The Almighty as his grandfather Abraham did in his life time.

We are not blaming Rebecca and Isaac as been the cause of Esau walking away from God. 

But we can see from Bible accounts that Jacob was closer to his mother while Esau was the Father:s favourite. Only Yahweh knows the family dynamics that caused this- maybe Isaac chosen to draw Esau.closer.because he was the first born.

Parents have a very crucial role to play in shaping the attitudes the next generations.develops toward God and His Kingdom 

We should kindly quit the BLAME GAME of putting all the faults for a failed generation on the Pastors and General overseers.

What about the parents who has the responsibility of instilling  the right values into their children in the early formative years before the the age of accountability when they are brought under the influence of the Clergy.

Samuel was a lad, just a boy when he discovered God.  And he grown up.among young men who violated the covenant God entered.with Eli, their father. 

But Samuel had Hannah a woman who discovered  God in her season of pain.

Josiah was eight years old when he became King in Israel and he ruled with justice. The name of his mother Jedidiah was given a place of prominent in his account. She was mentioned.

Jesus Christ, our LORD was twelve when He was discussing scriptures with the teachers of the Law.

The family is the first Church that children attend and their parents are the first set of Pastors and Teacher and influencers that they encountered.

The family must not transfer the responsibility of bringing up children who walk in the fear of God to the Society, School and Church.

Your children may attend Christian schools and still end up as.criminals.and endangered specues when you failed to give them the necessary care and right mentoring needed.for excelling in life.
Mary, was the mother of Jesus,  James, Judas, Jose and Simon. Though her children did not believe in the Saviour initially, but they later authored two Books in the New Testament and James ran so fast spiritually that he became the  leader of the Jerusalem Church.

You are responsible on behalf of God over the destinies of your Children. You  nurture them on behalf of The Father.
Please ensure you always consult God on the template for their lives. 

This template incudes his plans and purpose for them.  The schools they attend etc. God may program a child to meet and have a relationship that has a bearing on his/her destiny in the Primary school or High school.. 

But if they don't attend schools under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, they may miss this crucial divine assistance for their glorious destiny.

Anytime you have a challenge concerning your children, there is always wisdom available from God to deal with them

When Rebecca encountered a challenge with the twins in her womb she consulted God but when they were grown up, there is not visible evidence in the Bible that she consulted God for their upbringing as she did during their birth.

May God give you the understanding and wisdom you need to rear these children in the fear of the LORD.

A.L  Hephzibah


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