
The Spirit of Revelation and Wisdom transists the faculty of human reasoning and opens a Believer  to the mind and thoughts of The Father concerning any issue on earth. 

This is the basis of the scripture ' Thy Will be done on the Earth as it is in Heaven'

We are citizens of Heaven living on The Earth ; though we have dual citizenship, we must learn to subject our actions and decisions to the constitutions of contained in the Word of God in our dealings on earth.

Apostle Paul a single man  throughout his lifetime was able to write about the mystery of the institution called  'Marriage' because the Holy Spirit inspired him and gave him instructions for the Church on marriage.

Sometimes, The Spirit will allow writer to write from personal experiences.
 But at other times, a writer is instructed  to write strictly from biblical perspectives without any input from personal experiences.

It is the Spirit of Christ and the Church is called the Church of Christ, therefore ,The Holy Spirit has the sole responsibility to determine how He wants His truth communicated to His Church.

God uses the relationship between the husband and wife to demonstrate the kind of love relationship that exist between Christ and his Bride. (the Church.)
The Church must honour and respect Christ,; follow His lead in all things and wait for His directive, just as Christ followed the lead of his Father and waited on His directive. 

Christ said ' I can of myself do nothing but l carry out the Will of the Father in all l do.

This is the foundation for a godly relationship between a man and his wife: ' Husbands love, Wives submit by respect and honour' 
Beautiful Daughter of Zion, God your Father says to you concerning your Husband
 'Respect him, follow his lead, wait for God to speak to him before making major decisions that concern the family.

What  if my husband is not available and l need to make a crucial decision that affects the family?

The Holy Spirit dwells inside of you and if you have established.the platform of respect and honour' in your home, God will surely show up with His wisdom for you.

 God speaks to His children and will always confirms His will on any issue. Because the husband and wife has become one; what God says to the husband, He would confirm to his wife.

It is like the relationship that exist because Christ bad His Father while on earth. Philippians 2 says ' though Christ was God, He did not consider equality with God the Father bbut humbled Himself.... expects that because they have become one through the marriage relatiinship ( And a man shall leave his parents and cleave to his work Fe and they shall become one) what God speaks to the husband will be what God would say to the wife.
If there is any discrepancy, then they both should wait because God is a Father who confirms His word over and over again.

There is always a peculiar wisdom of God derivable from the principles of God for each unique family; for though we are all children of God, personalities and family dynamics differs from one Christian home to the other. 
It means while the operations and manifestations  of 'Respect and Love'  may differ in individual marriage: the principle remains the same-:
1. "Love your wife as Christ loves the Church, Be submitted to your husband as the Church is submitted to the Christ" 
2. " A man is the head of your family as Christ is the head of His Body,  ( the Church). It's like Christ making the  Husband, the pastor of His family .
When each husband pastors.his family according to the Eord.od God, the work of Christ is made easier because it is the different family that makes up the Church of Christ. 

So the wife must learn to give to her husband the respect, honour, rwveren e she gives to her pastor in Church and the General O erseer of the denomination she attends. Because according to divine order, your husband is your first pastor. He provides leadership for his family on behalf of Jesus.Cgriat, his LORD and Master.
Furthermore, Christ does not hate His Body, as no man can hate his own body.
Christ cares,nurtures and provides for His own Body, every man should nurture and provide for their own body which is his wife ( for the two.became one through the marriage covenant).
The Cgristuan marriage becomes easy and enjoyable when Believers obey this wisdom nuggets given by our Father by the.power of the Holy Spirit who dwells within our spirits.

Respect and Love is God template for a happy godly Christian marriage 
 It is the template that will make the Christian marriage enviable 

As long as we adopt the marriage template of the system of the world  for our homes where God ordained to be the King; we have brought anti -Christ principles into our homes and cannot achieve what God originally intended for the Christian home.
Some Christian homes  are  ravaged by the spirit of divource and immorality because we have brought into it strange principles.

It is the same evil that was done against the Church leadership in the World especially Nigeria when the Church adopted the leadership style proposed in the Book " 48 Laws of powers'.
At the introduction of that Book to the Church, I started reading it as recommended by a Church leader but noticed that the principles of leadership in it is not the same as the principle of leadership given by our Master Jesus for His Church 

The Church is still suffering as a result of a single book introduced into its system with subtiity.

Likewise, we must carefully guard our marriage from anti godly principles and not allow the civilisation of the age erode the purpose of God for the Christian Home.


A.L. Hephzibah.


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