Every new born has  story to tell and a destiny to fulfull.
No new born is born without a road plan attached to its sojourn on the Earth. They may come unplanned by their parents but the God who created then certainly has a plan.and a purpose with a time frame attached to their story.
Many children  die at birth without telling their stories some die, nations wasted because men and women could only a see a child but the God who send them sees a nation murdered before it was formed.

Wickedness walks on the Streets of the planet and nobody questions it's devilish activities against humanity. Children are sodomised and offer as sacrifices by men and women who can see through demonic eyes into the invisible future of these blessed children.,
They are called star gazers for they can tell that the tomorrow and the destinies of these children will be glorious and will shine brighter than theirs in the family, so they kill them before these destinies ever manifest.
Phaoroah' s timing of killing all the male child of the Hebrew Children could not be just a coincidence but it accurately collided with the birth of Jesus Christ.
The wise men who visited Christ at His birth k we he was the King of the Jews before the child even spoke his first words. 
The trend  is to convert the destinies of these children so that though they are alive, they never manifest the glorious destinies they are ordained to manifest 
This is called destiny substitute whereby a king becomes a servant and a servant a king.
There are no scripture backing for this wicked acts so we cannot discuss  it extensively.
Rebecca had two nations in her womb. If she had not enquired from God; she would have treated and trained her twin as any other children.
The mother of Moses gave birth to Aaron and Miriam but through the eyes of the Spirit she understood that Moses was not an ordinary Child, so she fought to ensured his glorious destiny was not aborted and destructed by Satan's agent called King Pharoah
Moses was ordained  a deliverer, he was a Law Giver, he was a writer of ancient History narrated by God through Moses' s heart and pen
He was a child who will grow up to be a man who would be spoken about  from one generation and to another generation.
He would be reverenced by a nation called Israel.
Oh, praise God for a spiritual wife and mother who did not carelessly treated her Moses as an Aaron or Miriam. 
A wife and her Mother who sailed through the Strom's to preserve her Child.
Every child has a divine peculiar destiny. Judas Iscariot was once a child begotten by a mother. Even if he was killed at child birth another must certainly take his place.
 A negative  prophecy was awaiting the birth of male child who will become the   man that killed the Saviour 
A negative prophecy may be awaiting fulfilment. It may be as a result of your child' s ancestral, it may be as a results of his environment, relationships at school .
You must like Jocebed and tarry in the wisdom and the  presence of God to ensure that your child is not killed, murdered by the sword of  societal woe, norms which steal the hearts of Children and make them seeds of ungodliness.
You must keep guard over the destines of your Children so that they are not  slaughtered by an insecure Herod; who does  want another king to reign while he sits on the throne 
Ensure that your child do not have a a friend, cousin like a Amnon who raped the destiny of David' s son who was ordained by position of Birth to sit on his Father's throne.
Please remain in God' s presence for your Son like Anna the propjetess did all her life to ensure that the Jesus Christ born as the King of the Jews who the wise men from the East would come with their gifts to worship and who will become the King of kings and the Saviour of all eternalit is not killed by the sword of Herod at his birth, his destiny yrucated by the temptation of Satan at the nrigde of his manifestation and stooped from rising by the stones rolled on his grave by the Pharisees who killed him and did not want to see him rise.


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