
Everyone man needs a helper especially a helper who keeps your secret safe and does not expose your weaknesses.

Maybe, one of the greatest fear of every Set -man is to have an Associate who becomes disloyal in challenging times. An ordained helper that the Enemy can turn against you in times of War.

I have been there, so l can speak from a personal experience. For example  when Satan or his agent is waging a war against you, they exploit every relationship around you just to get to you.

How vulnerable you would be to the Enemy' s attack if the closest persons to you are spiritually weak.

So you will surely need partners that are seasoned in the Word of God and enveloped by God's mercy.

A man:s wife is one of the closest helpers  ordained by God for his lifting in destiny. Either your are a farmer, banker,  an engineer, politician or preacher- your wife is your first associate, she is the first member of your Board of Directors though her name may not be listed as one on the form you sent to Corporate Affairs Commission for registration.

In John 6, almost all the followers of Jesus Christ deserted Him but His disciples stayed till and after the Cross,-they stayed because they were His bride.

There is this beautiful story in Judges 4:18-22 of Jael, a woman of valour, a noiseless warrior who used  non- combative weapons to slay the nation's s Enemy called Sisera. 

She used the powers of hospitality and care to bring the enemy of her family to his knees. And Jael did it quietly and silently.

Submission is not a 'Robot' kind of lifestyle whereby a woman is only seen and not heard.

A Spirit-filled woman must be able to take initiatives inspired by the Holy Spirit when the need arises.

She should be smart, intelligent and should have training in the Word and other intelligent  elements to handle any problems that faces her family in the absence of her husband.

Submission is just like our love for the Father and Jesus Christ who died for us, it is a choice, a willing choice to bring your will under the will of another person.

It is a conscious action to help another person fulfill his purpose in life by doing all you can as God enables you to ensure it is successful.

Deborah was the prophetess; while Barak was assigned to defeat Sisera but when moments and opportunity presented itself to Jael, she used her prowess as a woman to lure the Enemy of God' s people to his death.

Lets examine the actions and decisions of another woman in the Bible when the Enemy was at her doorstep in Genesis 3.

Eve  plunged her family and the whole of humanity into the trap of Satan by her curiosity and lack of trust. She ate the forbidden fruit and persuaded her husband to do the same.

As a woman, you must develop yourself  to become that One person that your husband can trust and depend on .

You must become that one person who will watch his back. 

You became ONE when you made your marriage vows: Never fall into the trap of trying to prove who can be more successful.

If your husband is not doing so well in his endeavour, then know you are not doing well too; no matter how successful your career is, for both of you have become ONE

Your nagging and complaint will not make your husband change, rather talk less to him about what he is not doing right and talk more to God about what he needs to do right.

I know as his wife that you are putting in your best and doing all you can to make that family work.
Please don't give up and turn aside to pursue your own vision, it's time to turn to God who can never fail you.

May His grace increases in your life and family in Jesus name. 
May God's wisdom guide you in Jesus name.

A. L. Hephzibah


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