As l watched, with the Garden divided into two clear groups
Then the  Dragon spoke his first word
You all l have been diligent in running the affairs of the Commander-in-chief...
he uttered
NO, this is a coup-de-tat. No!NO!, NO!
This cannot happen, this cannot happen., 
Immediately Ministers of Fire from both parties drew their swords
I saw innumerable number  gravitated towards where l stood with their swords drew.
Simultaneously, I saw.about 1/3 of the star surrounded The Enemy with their swords drew as ready to defeat their Prince

I gestured with my hands to the innumerable behind me to keep quite
Let's hear what this betrayer has got to say about our KING 

I will not even wait for the verdict of our Beautiful King, l am a match for the One created with everything yet he turned against His master.

Well, well, well, the dragon laughed and looked at the scene in the Garden-at the innumerable legions that joined me shouting
"So you have made your decisions"
The dragon muttered to the Ministers behind me with the swords facing The throne of their KING

"Let me tell you, l will goup to H3
And l will put my seat above the stars of The Holy ONE
I will be like The Most High
Yes, above the tops of the clouds'

The Ministers of fire  with me shouted with their swords lifted
For our KING and our GOD
Let's throw this betrayal out of our  kingdom of H3 and let see what becomes of his ambition! 
All my brethen agitated with their hands shaking with zeal ready to defend their Planet

The Dragon laughed proudly
I will show you All.

I could no contain the flashes of fire that filled the hall from our swords and fury and zeal filled our heart for this insult against out MASTER.

We moved with the speed of loyalty in honour of our Commander in Chief

I faced the Accuser of our brothers and sisters and said
I am your equal and will certainly defeat you for my KING.
We fought them 
And they fought back
But we won against The Enemy and his hordes
And they were thrown down, down, down
And they had no place in High, High, High
We defeated them in Honour of our King
And the place of the Covering, the seaal of perfection of beauty and wisdom called the Dragon was no more in Planet H3
Then I hear one  Minister  of Fire shouted:
Let's collect all the splendour, beauty, wisdom, strengths, gifts, power our KING gave to the Dragon  from him
And we will see what will become of His ambition
If he chose not to serve The Ancient of Days
Then he should not be allowed to leave with the blessings of his Maker.

It was Only then, we heard the thurder from the Throne
The very foundations of Garden shook
And every Minister of fire were on our knees in worship
The Dragon and his hordes frozen in transit on their way down

We heard the voice of the  Commander 
Don't collect anything from Lucifer Allow him to leave with all the splendour l used in creating 
He says he  is my equal, let hm go with all l gave him and prove it

Then we heard the Most High laughed
And His laughter filled us with joy as our swords began to glitter with power and glory

As l watched The dragon and his hordes thrown to dust , I marvelled
that the Commander would allow him to leave with all the wisdom, beauty, power, mighty and strength

Then l remembered what  Lamb that was slained before the foundation of the earth said through his disciples


Again, l lay down my glittering sword stained with the Blood of the Lamb and bowed down to Worship the Eternal King.


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