A woman was just informed  that her beloved  husband  involved in a ghastly accident with two other men, which she survived  is dead.

She was sitting on the roadside by the scene of the accident after good Samaritans at the scene  helped her out of the car.

There was blood stains on her clothing but no visible signs that she was hurt in anyway.

One of the paramedics who came to help told her quietly

 'Madam, take heart, you are the only survival in that car" he put his hand on her back gently
 ' others did not make it.' he attempted to bring her comfort in his quiet words.

The woman on hearing this sad news went down on her knees screaming inaudible words, then profuse tears flow down her face 

Then in the midst of the tears, she started whispering 'Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.....'

A crowd had gathered around the three men laid by the roads, shaking their heads. One lady could be heard saying
" You see"
She pointed at the men on the floor
"All the hustle, all the struggle, will end one day" She said sadly.
"There must be more to this life than meet the eyes"

Then they heard a lone voice speaking excitedly 
" See" 
he pointed with excitement at one of the bodies on the floor.
" One of the men is moving, is moving"  he pointed while others took a closer look. The atmosphere changed, wonderment written on faces formerly sad.

The woman heard the noise and commotion and asked 
"What is wrong?"

Someone told her.:

" One of the man is not dead, he is alive"

"Which one ", the woman tried to peek from her position on the floor but could see nothing because of the crowd around the men.

"The one in white Buba and Sokoto" 
The man answered her. 

The woman turned away from the man looked towards heaven and shouted with a smile breaking through the clouds of sorrow " 

JESUS, YOU ARE REAL, my husband is alive.
A.L. Hephzibah

Jesus is real and l know He is real, therefore  a  personal walk with Christ is mandatory. We may give our lives to Christ Jesus the same day but it will not be the same moment. God knows the exact moment that the operation of faith was done in a doubting heart and the exact second, the new heart is birthed by the Holy Spirit.
 CeCe Winans sang about Grandma prayers in one of her albums. As powerful as Grandma prayers is, it can only help a grandson/daughter get to the place whereby they receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour but cannot get them into heaven without the personal choice of receiving Christ as Lord and Saviour.
A walk way the Jesus Christ our Lord must be a daily experience. He is not something you receive someday and then pack aside with just the label " I am a Christian, l am born again' we must experience Christ everyday.
Christ must be involved in your waking up moments and your going to bed moments. Involving the Holy Spirit in every aspect of your life is profitable to you.
Christ must be involved in your decisions of which job to accept and which job not to accept.  It is a beautiful testimony to get job employment but you must know that a job may be good but not the right one. 
I hear  of a brother who got a job in an Oil company. It was a huge testimony, the Church celebrated, the family was happy, everyone was excited. And the brother accepted the job without any consultation with the Holy Spirit. ( And because this brother was not used to consulting God on any issue of his life, the Holy Spirit was silent. Because The Spirit will.never go beyond the limits of your invitation or the invitation given by others through their prayers for you. 
Then fast forward to about five years later. The  Brother had become a top Executive and was saddled with the responsibility of awarding a particular conyract.
A colleague  came to  him and told him that he has a candidate for the contract and advised the brother to give the contract to his candidate and promised to settle the brother financially. The brother rightly answered as a Christian should " I believe in Christ and do not get involve in shady deals, the qualified candidate will win this contract' 
This colleague   walked out of the brother's office angrily and two weeks later, this brother was sick and started coughing out blood. He was taken from one hospital to another. Eventually, he was not fit to continue with his job.
The ready questions that arise from this incident is ' The brother is a Christian- why should the instruments of the wicked work against him?'
My answer to you is that God promised no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper but you must believe in this truth before it can work for you. I have learnt that when the Enemy wants to wage a major attack against a believer; they would first attack his prayer life and fellowship with God. They may go further to isolate him spiritually, then introduce elements of fear into his circumstances that would cause negative confessions which gives them the right to attack legally.
The Enemy never attacks carelessly without a plan or strategy, so the Bible advises ' Be wise as the serpent, be gentle as the dove. ( Fight with wisdom and exhibit the personality or the fruit of the Spirit.) 
The Bible says we are not unaware of the devices of the Enemy. The Enemy  may first send demons that will introduce offences, then unforgiveness, strife, while all these are working, the attack will be launched 
Promotions are good but if you are promoted beyond your spiritual capacity, then we must believe God to His mercy to sustain you. You walk and work among evil men under the control of a sinister Being who desires to steal, kill and destroy your joy and your life. (BE WATCHFUL AND VIGILANT)
You must experience Jesus in your decision making of location, chosen career, who to marry, what kind of business to do. I heard a story but l don't know if it's real. A brother was said to have prayed to God for a very beautiful marriage partner. And the story revealed that God answered his prayers and a beautiful lady became his wife. After some few years of the marriage, the lady went completely blind in both eye.
The Brother was angry in the place of prayer and told God ' l asked you for a beautiful lady and not a blind one' And the story said God replied " You asked for a.beutiful lady and l have you buy you did not bother to ask the other packages included in the beautiful lady future'. 

It's humorous but it also.shows the importance of seeking and honouring the counsel  of Christ in every aspect of human life. That so.ething is good does not mean it is right. It is only right if it is God's will for you.
Also, you must know that because you involved Jesus Christ, our Lord in your life yesterday does not mean, you don't need his help today. 
I remember an incident that happened to me some few years back. I had a decoration job in Idanre and had four workers with me in the car. I hardly observed my quiet time that fateful door. My thoughts were busy throughout the day as I was busy preparing for the job and did not had time to spend in fellowship.
Throughout that morning, l was having thoughts of accident, but kept  rebuking them. We arrived at Idanre town and there was a little traffic on the main road in the town. So l made the decision to follow some commercial vehicles turning into a street to avoid the traffic.
Immediately l made this decision, l had this prompting that l should stay on the main road, that the traffic would clear. But l ignored it because l wanted to leave the town before night . I turned into the street and had just drove some few steps when l lost control of the car ( l don't know what real happened) . I applied the brake but it was not responding. The car was almost going to fall into a deep constructed tunnel for water with a concrete top that stands as a mini brigade. All I could call was ' Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! 
Till date, l don't know what stopped the car but it stopped at the edge of the mini bridge. JESUS IS REAL.
Buy we must experience him everyday by consciously, deliberately, honourably inviting him into our affairs and life.
We are not save to walk alone, live by  common sense alone, we are saved for fellowship with a Father who knows ALL and delights in helping the sons and daughter of Zion when we seek for His help.
A.L. Hephzibah

Our world is coming to a place where it seem the need for God and Jesus Christ our Lord is infinitely little, but Romans 1'since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
I conclude my discussion this way anytime, l speak to persons without Jesus in their hearts. ' I pray that the God who created the Sun, Moon, animals, and you reveal to you if Christ is indeed, the Only Way to be reconciled to the Almighty. And l know God answers such prayers.


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