The man and the woman walked hand in hand into the beautiful, Sun kissed garden. The woman kept looking around at the different flowers in the open-field, she took her hands from the hand of her husband and went on one knees to touch a pink and purple flowers.
With awe in her voice, she stood up and gazed her her husband with love in her heart 
" Darling, you said all these are ours" she saw the Gazelle limp beautiful a  flowing river'
Wow, she uttered, "Commander in Chief is so kind" she gestured with her hands in a 180 degree circle over the beautiful Garden.
" What a secure being he is, is he not afariad will take over completely and want nothing to do with him. 
Or did he lease this beautiful garden to us and we have to return it to him later.
The husband turned her to look at him " No, my love , Commander he gave us eveeythi g in this garden and and even the while planet, he told me
" It's yours, take care of it and pass it on to your children "
The wife drew him to a secluded place under a tree and spoke quietly as if she is afraid someone would eavesdrop on their conversation
"Did he added any condition to it, maybe something , l just mean anything, this is too awesome
No, the husband shook his head, he gave us for free ex sept, then he pointed a a tree in the distance to his room ght, he saw we should not eat of that tree.


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