I was there when it happened
I saw it all as it unfolded
It was a shock for me
I can never forget how it happened
I would never have expected that Covering will do that to The Commander

The Commander is too good to have received that kind of treatment from Covering

It was the highest treason ever staged in our Planet called Planet H3
We had never saw anything like it
And we will never experience it again forever

Other Ministers of fire in the Planet  H3 always gaze in wonder when Covering pass by on errand for The Ancient of Days
There were not just looking at Covering' s Beauty
But they looked because they marvelled at the access Covering had to The Ancient of Days

This was the greatest privilege in our Planet and Covering had this awesome privilege
Covering always love to tell about the awesomeness of THE ONE who dwells in impenetrable LIGHT

He talks.about the Commander in Chief UNFATHOMABLE WISDOM and His sweet kindness
Covering told us that Commander is so secure that He made us share in His splendour and power

Then Covering will spread his wings studded with precious stones 
Moonstone, Carnelian, beryx, onyx and many other stones that your human language can not accurately described

I don't envy Covering at all because l knew he was created with these stones as reprentation of the wealth of The Almighty

As we sit and listen to him
Our hearts always swell with worship
And before we know it
We are on our faces
Our God is an awesome God
Some sing Holy, Holy, Holy
To THE ONE who WAS and  IS to COME

Everything was made for Him and By Him
All things bright and beautiful
All creatures great and small
He formed them and crafted them for their own uniqueness and purpose
As He worked with their gentle frame, He had a picture in mind and he made each according to the picture.

I was created with immeasurable strength and power
I am a Warrior and fights the Battle of my KING with great pleasure, 
The Ancient of Days  gave me power, strength and wisdom and l use it  solely for my MASTER
I live and breathe to Serve His purpose
And l gladly do it

For God is Good and His mercy endures forever and for everlasting
His Reign will never end
He is the Eternal KING forever

A.L. Hephzibah

Leviathan was made dressed in splendour
He was the seal of perfection of beauty and wisdom
Others looked at his beauty with awe.
His clothing was an arrangent of carnelium, peridot, moonstone, beryl, onyx and Jasper.
The entire robe was pure gold and each of the precious stone were arranged on the robe upon layer upon layer a.
As Leviathan walked in the Garden and the fire place, his robe glittered flashing lights everywhere.
The other ministers of fire watched and he loved the attention.
The Sun was bright and filled the entured Garden, it was intensely hot but nobody in the Garden sweated.
All were assembled in the hall without end, you did not know what the hall started and ypu could not see its end
Everywhere in the hall was lights, impenetrable light
Everyone was gathered, some were there for about 30miniutes, others just stopped it.
They had the Commander in Chief had an important message and they were waiting for Leviathan to relate the message to them.
After waited Ng for ever
Seal of perfection strolled in walking in  magnificently 
Lights scattered everywhere
I looked and saw some Ministers of fire cutesy and bow slightly
I was surprise to see the action
This is betray l thought in my heart
We decided to bow to only the Commander in Chief, our beautiful Lord who deserves it.
He is gentle Lord who does not lord.over us 
Now to see some bow before Leviathan wa.a serious pain in my heart
Yet, l stood and watched 
I will see where these will end today 
He walked to the stage and expected absolute silence
This is another first.
We only become still in the present of the Almighty Creator because when you enter his presence
The awesomeness of His presence quieten every tumoil within you.
Then Leviathan walked on taking his time
And when it noticed the while hall was not completely silent
He raised his hand and I could see.the lights.from various.stones from his hands
Silent, he called out but His voice had lost its gentle melodic beauty and it is now replaced with an harsh tune.
It was then l knew so.wthing had gone wrong

Then he spoke his first word
You all l have been diligent in running the affairs of the Commander-in-chief
NO, this is a coup-de-tat. No!NO!, NO!
This cannot happen, this cannot happen., I saw innumerable number ministers.of fire gravitated towards where l stood with their swords drew.
Simultaneously, I saw.abiut 1/3 of our number surrounded Leviathan with their swords to protect Him.
I gesture with my hands to the innumerable behind me to keep quite
Let's hear what this betrayal has to.say about our King 
I will not even wait for the verdict of our Beautiful King, a match for the One created with everything yet he turned against His master.
Well, well, well, Leviathan laughed and looked at the scen in the hall
So you have made your decisions
Let me tell you, l will sit.above Him
And all of you will bow down and worship me
Yes, you will bow and worship Him
The Ministers of fire  ehind me shouted with their swords lifted
For our King and our God
Let's throw.this.betrayal out of our kids ngdom and let see what becomes of his ambition
I turned and gestured to them with my right hand
And complete silen  fell in the hall.
Leviathan laughed proudly
Ian the king, I am the king
I will.shiw you
I could not stop the.flasges of lightening that filled the hall as we leash with fury and zeal for our KING
we moved with the speed of love lightening in honour of our Commander in Chief
I faced Leviathan for.l.say in my heart
I am your equal and will certainly defeat you for my KING.
We fought them 
And they fought back
But we won against Leviathan and his hordes
And they were thrower.down, down, down
And they had no place in High, High, High
We defeated in Honour if our King
And his place became desolate for another to.fill
Then a Mi.ster of Fire shouted
Let's collect all the splendour,Beauty, wisdom, strengths, gifts, power our JING gave him from him
And we will see what will become of His ambition
It was Only then, we heard the thurder from the Throne
The foundations of the Hall shook
And every minister of fire were on our knees in worship
Leviathan and his hordes.froze transit on their.way.down
Our Commander spoke
Leave the Covering to leave with everything l gave him and his hordes
His.leaving does not take anything from him
Moreso, he will need to.stage his first ght.against me
He.thinks is my equal, let hm go with all l gave him and prove it
Then we heard the Most High laughed
And His laughter filled us and our swords began to glitter with power and glory
As we watched Leviathan.and his hordes thrown to dust 
I marvelled
That Commander would.allow covering to leave with all the wisdom, beauty, power, mighty and strength
Then l remembered what The Lamb that was slained.before the foundation of the earth said
Then, again, l lay down my glittering sword stained with the Blood of the Lamb and bowed down to Worship the Eternal King.



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