Every Believer has a place in the Kingdom of Christ and just as God had assigned a specific assignment to Cyrus His anointed.

"l will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, 

who summons you by name. For the sake of Jacob my servant, of Israel my chosen,

' I summon you by name and bestow on you a title of honor,  Isaiah 45:3-4

God has a specific assignment for you apart from your regular responsibility in your local assembly.

You may work in the financial industry ( a banker, a finance consultant , ecenomist etc); you may be an IT personnel, lawyer, politician, work in the Entertainment industry, Housewife and be involved in buying and selling in the .local market, please know this truth: YOU ARE A MEMBER OF GOD END TIME WORK FORCE.

God has endowed you with  the appropriate spiritual  gifts and unction needed for your calling in the market place.

For example, if we have doctors, nurses, scientist that are spirit- filled and controlled who understands that God has anointed them with the Holy Ghost and power to be His anointed representative in their field 

Then the Holy Spirit has prepared and knowledgeable vessels He could give the revelation of deadly diseases and their cure.
Please note of a certainty that every doctor ( apart from children of perdition)  would desire to be a Christian Doctor if this happens.

As long as we don't have such, the church will always be at the mercy of men and women who dont believe in Christ.

Just as Pastors, Teachers, Apostles, Prophets are called into their assignments in the Church, so we have professionals who are also anointed and called.

Imagine if the maid of Naaman had allowed bitterness against the Syria for her captivity or fear of her master Naaman to deter her ministry in Naaman Household, she would not have been an herald of the prophet of God in Israel who can heal. 

She was not the one with the healing anointing but she certainly had an anointing to share the good news in her place of work as a maid to a wealthy and important politicain who was a General in the military of Syria.

Likewise,  God has called you wherever you are to be a witness of His glory and power. 

Your denomination may not be able to enter your Naval ship on the high Sea to preach to your Captains  but you as a Christian naval officer has the power to raise prayer and worship altars on the ship.
This will give an angel the legal right  to appear to your captain who in turn may  send for you as an angel instructed Cornelius to sent for Apostle Peter.

The work of the Kingdom is not just restricted to your responsibility as a member of the counselling unit in your denomination as a Christian Lawyer.
Rather the Holy Spirit has deployed you as a Barrister to fight for the innocent and defend their cause for a fee of course. And the same God who pays the wages of your General Overseer will pay your wages.

God anointed a widowed Anna to intercede for many years for the  safe delivery and successful ministry of the Saviour

A  virgin Mary was covered with the Holy Spirit to give birth to the Saviour and
 A certain sinful woman delivered from seven demons as stated by different versions of the story named Mary was given the opportunity to anoint the Saviour for His death and resurrection.

Three women with different qualification for their divine assignment,  with different past and background, different responsibility but ONE GOAL, ONE ULTIMATE VISION, show the Saviour JESUS CHRIST TO THE WORLD.

It's a Kingdom of continuity and not a kingdom of isolations of different denominations in their various pursuit.

Each believer has a part to play and the collective discharged of our responsibility irrespective of our various denomination will reveal JESUS CHRIST in His true glory to the Universal.

.....Through the Church, the manifold wisdom of God is reveal to the World.


A.L. Hephzibah


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