
A man was standing by the main road of Oyemekun/Adesida Road in Akure  when a Toyota Camry Car and a RAVA (4) Sporty Car had a collision. When the Police came and asked the two car owners who is the witness to their sides of the story, they pointed at the man standing by the road side.  

The man quickly lifted both hands above his head and said " Truly, l was standing at the scene of the accident but l was engrossed in my phone and did not observed the details of the collision:  This man was physically present at the scene of the accident, but he was not a true witness.

Every Believer is ordained to be a true witness, we should not just attend Church services but we must experience the love of Christ and see and handle His power and be able to share our testimony with our neighbours, colleagues, relatives etc. 

 "There was a man sent from God whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. John 1:6
"That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched —this we proclaim concerning the Word of life. The life appeared; we have seen it and testify to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and has appeared to us. We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. We write this to make our joy complete". 1 John 1:1-4

A young convert asked me this question yesterday, "how do you know that Christ is the Saviour, because others claim that the gods they serve is the only true Saviour, after sharing scriptures like " Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life, no one can see and worship the only TRUE GOD Excerpt SUCH BELIEVE IN JESUS AS LORD AND SAVIOUR, then like Apostle John, l shared my personal testimony.

I gave my heart to Christ as a young girl  but backslide the same year for eight years because l could not suffer for what l believed. The persecution from my biological father was severe- my feeding allowances was completely stopped, ( In the Ghetto, where l was born and grew up, we buy food from food vendors esp breakfast and then the whole family eat supper together ) no more transport fare for school and l had to walked about 30-45 minutes daily to get to School, l was endowned with good brains by God's grace, so l used that to make friends who in turn share their meal with me. ( l guess God knew what l will go through in life thus His benevolence in giving me good brains.) l backslide that same year, and only attend Church services on Christmas and New year Eve. This is why, l heartily celebrate Leah Sharibu, who refused to renounce and deny Christ when faced with death.

So, l answered this new convert by telling her how my biological father of blessed memory told me that Christ can't help me because Satan is the Prince of this world and only Satan should be worshipped . I  told her of how l suffered  food  poisoning, l found strange monies in my possession,  personal possessions mysteriously disappeared (and so many others) as a young Christian convert and yet Christ gave me  victory upon victory.

I explained to her that God' s power kept me from the Evil one  so that am still standing. I said; 'God promised to deliver me from sin which gives the Enemy power over me and by His grace', l have victory over sin. 

By sharing my testimony with this young Convert, witnessing the power of Christ to save and deliver. I became a living Witness of Christ' s power and His love.

I know for sure the seed was sown in her heart and will bring forth a hundred fold.

We are called to be a witness of Christ and for Christ, Apostle John said " that which we saw and also handled. The power of the coming age must be deeply rooted in your heart to be able to face the storm of life and still stand. The Gospel without challenges and obstacles is certainly not the Gospel Christ delivered to the Believers. Christ said, if the master is persecuted, surely, the servant cannot escape persecution.

I remember a dream, l had as a new convert and l saw someone ( she looked like a woman seated on a throne and told me vehemently, " if you don't fight against my Kingdom, then l will give you your wealth) l was a new convert then, and did not understand this dream but now l think l understand.

My wealth is not in the hands of the Enemy so he or she has not right to my wealth. You will be threatened by the Enemy but the only one we can save our World and bring them to the love of Christ is the Believers and you achieve this  by being a witness of His love and power.
'Who will believe our story, if we are not fully persuaded by the Resurrection power. We must be ready to take CHRIST to the dying world who needs it. 

Either, you are pursuing the ADAMIC mandate of " Be fruitful and multiple and replenish the Earth or you are pursuing The JESUS mandate of " Go into the whole world and preach the GOSPEL and baptising men in the name of Jesus Christ and making disciples of all nations. -no matter what part of the earth, you live, you are to be: TRUE WITNESS OF THE RESURRECTION POWER OF  CHRIST ; you must be a true witness of the love and the resurrection power .( PLS. YOU CAN GET THE Comprehensive INSIGHTFUL TEACHING ON THE  PURSUIT OF THE JESUS MANDATE AND THE ADAMIC MANDATE FROM REV. OLUSOLA AREOGUN MINISTRIES- SCHOOL OF CALLING 2019.

Wherever you are, GOD has called you to be a witness of HIM AND FOR HIM AND YOU CANNOT BE AN EFFECTIVE WITNESS EXCEEPT YOU KNOW HIM.



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