
Jesus Christ our LORD said " I work just as my Father works. You are gifted for a specific work in the Kingdom just as other believers.

Your background, natural endowment and gifts are  fashioned to help in the fulfillment of these assignments. The Word of God says in Romans 8:29, God foreknew you and you have been set apart for a specific purpose.

You must discover your specific assignment in your Local Church and the Body of Christ and be busy with it. You will be rewarded based on how well you work out your purpose.
 A beautiful story unfolded in 1 Kings 21, a King was busy but he was busy here and there but failed in his job for that moment.

1 Kings 20:40
While your servant was busy here and there, the man disappeared.”
Another story was told of in Luke 18;18-27 of a rich man who kept all the commandments excerpt the specific instruction given by Jesus Christ our LORD to him. 

In this present dispensation, the rich man in Luke 18 would be a committed church member, can even be a faithful tither and fulfill all other mandatory Church activities but he preferred and enjoyed his vision of money -making than the specific calling Christ his Master had for him. 

No matter who you are - a banker, doctor, lawyer, teacher, politician, student, there is a specific calling and task for you in the Kingdom.

It is not only the five fold ministries of Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, Evangelists and Pastors that have a
callings.  Ephesians 4:11-14.

For example, everyone is called into the Business of Soul winning,  (so that you can shine as stars)  so the Christian Banker mission field is the Banking hall.

But you ask ' how can a banker win souls in the bank when the Bank policy may forbids preaching in it hall. 

The Banker can pray daily that the hearts of the various customers who visits their hall will be open to the Gospel and they will get saved.

The Banker has the authority to pray against bloodshed by men of the under -world in their banking hall just as Paul prayed for the lives of men in the ship with him 

The Christian Banker can become a financial intra -evangelist in his/her denomination and help God's children make sound financial decision and enter into their financial inheritance. 

Believers are LIGHT wherever we work, and unless you shine your light, darkness will continue to prevail. 

The 'Test of Faithfulness' is ' Will you stay quietly and keep on doing what God has assigned you even if no one gives you public recognition or you get instant fame.

Many people want to do what others are doing because it is popular and lucrative.  They want to preach and emphasise what others are preaching because it is popular. 

Peter and James concentrated on the Jews, Paul and Barnabas on the Gentiles.

Gospel of Matthew emphasised teachings on the Kingdom of God and it's lifestyle; 
Gospel of Mark wrote about the works of Christ- healing, deliverance 

Gospel.of. John concentrated on the love and the humanity (person) of Jesus Christ.

These Gospel Writers wrote  about the same Person - JESUS CHRIST and His FATHER but each writer by the Holy Spirit concentrated on the aspect they were assigned. But the Purpose of equiping the Saints is achieved. 

No one denomination or one Man of God is given the entire revelations of the Kingdom. The Spirit gave in such a way that we will need one another.

God will test your faithfulness in your given assignments for it is men who are faithful in little that are given more.

God does not judge faithfulness by result and quantity of work done, faithfulness is effectively doing what God has specifically asked you to do in His Kingdom.

May God help us to be faithful in our calling.

A L  Hephzibah.


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