
There.is nothing as painful, hurtful for a friend, family member, servant, employer to betray your trust either for a justified reason or when they have no basis for their actions

DISLOYALTY is a betraysl of the trust, confidence, you put in someone, it's like when you are face to.face with them, they smile and sing your praise but when you turn your back, they put a sword through your heart.

God,  our Father was a victim, He was betrayed, hurt as an attempt was made to hurt His reputation in the Heaven and attempts are been made to hurt the GOOD NEWS ( for the Good News is the reputation and fragrance of Jesus Christ)  of His  beloved Son on earth by His former trusted aide and associate Lucifer.

We must understand that Lucifer was a trusted aide. He was to the Almighty the role that the Son of God plays now in the Kingdom. He was a guardian covering Cherub. He had access to the God and served as an go-between God and other angels.

No angel had access to the Almighty as Lucifer did;  no angel walked among the fiery stone as Lucifer did for he was ordained and anointed to cover the glory of God.

The radiance from Lucifer, the covering Cherub was as  bright as Moses radiance  when he tarried in God's ptesence. Moses had to cover his face with a veil because the people could not stand the intensity of the glory of God on his face

We can only understand the gravity and intensity of Lucifer betrayal by studying the pattern of the betrayal  of Absalom the son of King David.

King Solomon said there is nothing new under the Sun. 

The only entity who has the ability and potential to create anything New like God the Almighty are the seeds of Adam and Eve (Men/ Women) because we were created in the image and likeness of God.

The Enemy has to align with men and steal from the Almighty to formulate any new strategy on the Earth.

We will understand the schemes and devices used by Lucifer to turn away the allegiance and loyalty of one third of God's angels (stars) when you read and study how Absalom stole the hearts of the people of Israel (the people of God).

Then, the deceived people enthroned Absalom as  king  while King David his father was still the enthroned King.

Satan formerly called Lucifer lied to angels in heaven. He appealed and lied to all angels. ( Jesus Christ, our Lord said Satan was liar from the begining.) He told them that The Almighty your Father was wicked and selfish and wants worship for only Himself. ( Study what the serpent told Eve in Genesis 3)

But Lucifer had a throne like the Almighty.  Isaiah 14 says " you said in your heart, l will set my throne above the stars the Most High" 

He was in charge of Eden the garden of the LORD and many ranks of angels were answereable to Him. He was like a liaison officer between God and the other angels. They respected him and honoured because of this unique privilege given to Him by the Almighty.

But he betrayed your Father like Absalom did for King David. He lied, schemed like he did to Adam and Eve and one third of angels CHOSE to believed him and turned their back against their Creator and Master and chose to follow Lucifer.

And just as Absalom was cut down in his pride because of his beauty because there was none as handsome as him in Israel, 
'In all Israel there was not a man so highly praised for his handsome appearance as Absalom. From the top of his head to the sole of his foot there was no blemish in him.' 2 Sam. 15:25. 

Lucifer was judged and cast out of the presence of The Almighty  as shown by Ezekiel.

"So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God, and I expelled you, guardian cherub, from among the fiery stones. Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor. So I threw you to the earth;" Ezekiel  28:16-18


A.L. Hephzibah


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