While the Old Testament  hinges on "You shall eat the good of the Land, If you are willing and Obedient,  ( Isaiah 1:18-19, Deut 28:1-2, Joshua 1:8-10)  the dispensation of Grace and Righteousness is based on the finished work of our LORD Jesus Christ.

Faith in Christ Jesus.qualifies every Believer in The Faith to receive of the bountiful blessings of the Almighty. 

Because of this, some believers advocate that you don't need obedience to The Way to become all that God has ordained for you.
Their thoughts are " Christ died for all so all the blessings of Christ can come to all who believe without accurate alignment to the Word.of God. 

It's true  sonship is your right by faith because as many who believe are given the right of a son but also the same Bible says " as many as are led by the Holy Spirit are the sons of God. 

You may have right to an inheritance and know you have right to it yet don't use that right. While faith gives you right of a son in the Kingdom ( John 1:12), complete submission to the leading of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:14) helps you make your inheritance a reality

The Test of Obedience is crucial and mandatory for every Disciple of Jesus Christ.

Even Jesus Christ our Lord did not escape this testing, His very life and ministry.was surrounded by various tests, which ushered Him to new levels of the anointing and grace. And the child Jesus grew and INCREASED in favour with God and all men.

TO AMOUNT TO GREATEST IN THE SIGHT OF GOD, you must be tested and found true.

In the Wedding in Cana, my LORD Jesus told His mother " Dear Woman, my time has not yet come ( John 2:4) but the faith of His mother in His divinity made Him operated before His time.

Jesus Christ The Lord passed the test of waiting on God for divine timing. It shows that He would had started His public ministry before the Wedding at Cana but He waited for divine timing.

He was teaching Professors of the Law at age 12,; was born in and with the Holy Ghost yet obeyed the Father in all things even DIVINE TIMING.

You must know that the Kingdom of God will allow no rebellion or transgression in eternity, therefore those who will partake of this Kingdom must be weaned of every tendency for rebellion and this is mostly achieved through divine testing , sometimes  called the  trial of faith.

The Enemy can also test your convictions and allegiance to The Christ and His Word.  The Bible spoke of  The Christ " The Enemy came to Him but found nothing.

We will attempt to examine the components of some testings in the Bible by God's grace.

Kindly Have a Beautiful Week.

A.L. Hephzibah


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