Then the name calling started  'spirikoko brother' his christian friends mocked him. ' You are too rigid' they told him over and over again. You need to apply wisdom to your christian walk to win some, they advocated again and again. 
In the office, when he refuses the way of sin " please don't bring your self righteousness into this matter", his colleagues cut off any suggestions from him. 
Weary, Trade walked out of one of such meetings and felt something was wrong with him and possibly, he lacked  the wisdom needed to live his life effectively. Then someone touched him on the shoulder.
He looked up and his gaze met that of a ' senior christian colleague. 'Tade' she called him 'jeje in aye gba, if you want to live an effective christian life, you must relax a little on this your high standard' she turned to walk away. ' Don't make Christianity difficult for people' she walked away.
Steadily, Tade' s armoury of holiness was hit over and over again until a dot appeared on his armour. It was just a dot and unnoticed by him; that was all it took, a DOT, then the little foxes no longer looked so dangerous.
Now, the Comedian coarse jesting about Christ and the way of the cross no longer looked so bad; comedy is  for relaxation, he reasoned, for all work and no play makes Tade a dull christian.
All of a sudden, he realised he was too heaven conscious and needs to loose up, so his worldly colleague lifestyle's seem not so bad at all. He sits with them and laugh at their obscene jokes, joking telling them they will go to hell if they don't change their lifestyle. Their sinful lifestyle is a weakness that they will overcome with time, he appealed to his conscience. Tolerance is the language of love, he preached to himself as the dot on his armour became a hole.
He attends church as often as he can,  pay his tithe and give a big seed in church, everything is alright he reasoned.  But the minutes spent praying in church seems like hours to him, he can't wait for it to end, so that he can spend time on the internet.
One day, he was surfing through the internet and saw a naked lady " all these ladies without Christ, may God help us" he exclaimed and clicked on the link. He just watched ten minutes of porn. His eyes were glued. ' aaah,' he exclaimed, still watching, " people commit so much immorality. But  he was back the next day and the next and the next, clicking  on the same link, visiting the same site.
Soon,  it happened:
He who has the aroma of a firebrand, now taste like a religious arrogant who is disconnected from his source of life and does not know it.
Now he sees the smoke of his former lifestyle of holiness and mistake it for the flame of a man on fire for the kingdom. He sees the manifestation of a gifting under his control and use for his own selfish interest and mistake it for a gifting inspired and influenced by the Spirit of Life.
Wow, l never knew grace gives us much liberty, he echoes as he chats with his friends on Facebook.


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