Ever you ever been in love? 

When your heart is embedded in that of the one you cherish; when the syllables of the name of your beloved is sweeter than vintage wine, and your heart  liven by warm thoughts of  the person you adore.

Thoughts of tenderness towards your Love infiltrate your mind as you knee in your sacred place to pray, Imaginary begging for a place to stay in your memory; 
sceneries of bliss, serenity, of unquenchable love where your beloved is flawless and every mountain is made plain by your love

This  was the same picture of love in King David' heart when he exclaimed in Psalm 27:4
"One thing, I have desired of the Lord.
That will l seek after
That l may dwell in the house of the LORD, all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord'.

I guess  his heart was overwhelmed with God' s love for him and his lips burst forth with songs of desire for his King and LORD-Jehovah.

 David married many wives, hoping he would find this kind of ethereal love in the arms of a woman but l guess he did not, because he grew old and died in the body warmth of the most beautiful  damsel in Israel who kept his body from the cold but could not warm his heart.

Your heavenly Father loves you and wants you to love Him in return. His greatest commandment is 'Love the Lord your God with your whole heart, mind and strength.....

I think El shaddai may feel used when you only seek Him when you need things from Him, when you relate with Him as your ' goody bag' who coughs out all the Gucci bags and shoes you need. 

He wants your attention, He wants you to sit with him and learn from him not just when you need a sermon for your family or the people, or a new revelation to dazzle your listeners, or a religious routine of quiet time or power to overcome the enemy.

He wants you to sit at his feet and listen to his voice like Mary, Martha' sister.

He wants you to discuss your next move with him before and not after you have made a decision.

Even He, the Almighty could not make a decision on Sodom and Gomorrah without the input and opinion of His friend  Abraham.

Truly, He can have all the worship he wants from angels; who are created and programmed to give him worship but the willing worship from you with a free will is sweeter to Him.

Oh the love of a guy who chooses you to love,  above other options, though you are the least qualified for his love,

Oh, how sweet is the sound of your willing love and adoration to God, your KING.

This is the value the Most High God placed on His friendship with Abraham, a man like you. He wants your friendship too, not just your service.

He desires your love, not just your work for Him
Psalm 25:14 says 'the Lord tells His secrets to those who respect Him, He tells them about His agreement.

Another version says 'God friendship is for God 
worshippers. They are the ones he confide in:

A.L. Hephzibah


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