God is faithful

(A  Song in Yoruba Language.)
Oyigi yigi Olu  Orun
Atobajaye Eleda ohun gbogbo
Gbogbo Agbaye iba  moriki re ni 
Ba would ni I ba see  dun to

(This song close translation should be thus)
The Mighty, mighty, Lord of Heaven
Worthy to walk with, God of all Flesh
If the whole World knows your true worth
How beautiful will all things be

I love this Yoruba song; for its a prophectic song that shows the desire of the Father for mankind. 

God desires that men and women  experience  His love thus Apostle Paul appealed " that prayers and intercessions be made for all men. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, 1 Timothy 2:3-4

Truly, when we know the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, we have made the best choice humanly possible for anybody on planet earth..

Enoch broke old records and set a new one by his relationship with God,  He walked with God and God took him away but his Son , Methuselah did not follow in his father's  footstep. The Bible did not measure that Enoch' s son walked with God. 

Sometimes, parents do all their best to impart the knowledge of God, they have received to their children yet some children still chose to walk in the ways of sin.

I am guessing Enoch enjoyed his fellowship so much with the Father that he failed to carry his son Methuselah along. ( This statement is on a lighter mood).

 But this is serious issue. Idol worshippers will go the extra mile to ensure their children pick up their idols. They will lay covenant upon covenants on their seed and  descendants to ensure that such never leave the domain of Hell. 

We serve the  Only True God ( The God of our Lord Jesus) and our seeds must be drawn to Him, it is only God that has the best interest of our children in heart. Everything your children desire, they will get in Christ, if only they will trust Him  

The reason some Christian children find it difficult to enjoy the God of their father  (Atobajeya')  is because, they have be unconsciously brained washed  to see the world as exciting and kingdom lifestyle as dull.

Please what is dull in listening to Christian songs that gives you joy and build you up spiritually compared to songs that only emphasises the greed to get money and get it by all means. Sincerely, we need divine revelation on how to raise godly seed for God. 


A.L. Hephzibah


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