Ye lust and have not. James 4: 1
Everyman is after something or something is after you. Sincerely no man is idle in the real sense of it. Examine it carefully, even the senseless is busy practising foolishness. Human are individualistic as their desires. Desires birth passion and passion can give birth to possession and achievement. Everyone lust after something!
Sometimes Men do not carefully monitor and evaluate their desires, they leave the fulfillment of their desires  to time and chance.
James 4:1 . It says YE LUST. JFB commentary in Pocket  Bible Online Version writes that ye lust means ye desire iterally ye set your mind ( or heart) on an object I used to think to lust is more negative than positive. When u lust after a guy, it connotes that I want his body, I desire him sexually, as when a married man lust after a woman who is not his wifei. In this passage, the bible says ye lust and have not, ye lust for things but have not.
But  as I read, I realised, just as i can lust after after things, I can as well lust after God  John 6: 33 comes to mind, seek first the kingdom of God, it means I should set my mind, heart, desires on God. God must be passionately pursued. I am not writing about going to church, been a worker,No, that is cool and the right thing to do. Am talking about been consumed with love for God and meditating on how to please Him.
Evaluate your thoughts today. Consciously take stock of what you think of today, meditate on what you think of more today. How many times, did your think about God, His agenda, His purposes His agenda for the world;, the workings of His angels and kingdom business.  I know Apostle John said God wants you to prosper  and be in good health even as your soul prospers but Jesus said" I must do the work of him who sent me and finish it.  Joseph was a prime minister In Egypt, through his office in the Potiphar house, the prison, and ultimately the King's palace, he showed men who the living God is and his manifold wisdom. Daniel was an administrator among men who do not believe in his God who is the Most High God, he showed these unbelievers who is the true God, so much that king Darius told his subjects to worship the God that Daniel worship.
God has a plan, purpose, agenda for you today, but you can only access successfully, if YE LUST AFTER GOD

A spiritual man is not someone who talks and act like a Christian, rather it is that believer who is under the influence and control of the Holy Ghost, who listens to His voice and obeys it promptly.


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