Believers pray and believe God for blessings and riches without adequate preparation on how to sustain such blessings. The preparation for an event is equally as important as the success of that event. A common saying goes thus" he who fail to plan, plans to fail. 
Some believers are praying for God to give them a happy marriage but fail to prepare for a blissful home by acquiring necessary knowledge needed to retain happiness in marriage after the wedding day.
Some desire to be millionaires, billionaires yet they know little or nothing about the dynamics of riches, sustainability of wealth and growth in financial capacity. You can get money and I mean lot of it by inheritance, chance, mercy, favour and sowing financial seed, but you cannot have enduring riches without financial knowledge. Though the fear of God can bring you riches, it takes knowledge and wisdom to have an enduring capital base. Preachers of the gospel acquire lot of money through ministering God’s word but few are successful entrepreneurs. I read about a young man online who challenged me. He studied Economics in university, but today is a successful farmer and he said  he acquired knowledge about Agriculture on google. Building an enduring successful business is beyond “seed sowing and reaping”.
A Christian guy desires that God to give him a good lady as a marriage partner yet refuses to build his life to be a treasured vessel in God' kingdom- God na zombie?. God' sits on the Throne of Mercy but His kingdom is governed by principles.  This is what will happen, you may get the “right  lady” but if you are not the right guy, your marriage may end up in frustration because it takes two to tango.
 We appreciate God for his mercy, kindness, covenant, while all these virtues can get you wealth; you sustain this wealth by learning godly  principles and living by them. The bible says the foundation of His throne is justice and fairness.  God’s choice and favour gave King Saul, King Solomon, and king Rehoboam the throne but they perform terribly at the end of their reign because some of them did not live completely by God’s principles. Favour may get you to the throne but principles will keep you on the throne.  King Solomon was the wisest and one of the richest king that ever lived but obviously he lacked the most important knowledge he needed- ruling continuously by the fear of God.


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