
We discussed in previous article the responses of the Minister when Satan attacks his fellowship with God and separate him from the direct influence of the Holy Spirit.
1.  Repentance
2. Continue as usual
Now let's examine the third one which:
3. Unconsciously open up to demonic influence.
Demonic assistance is not as direct as it sound. Rather it is a subtil move against the minister to lure away from his dependence on prayers, fasting, studying the word and waiting on God to get daily instructions for life and ministry.

Demonic assistance has gone beyond visiting an herbalist, belonging to a cult or going to the sea -shore to get power. The devil has brought his services closer and easily accessible to all.

It is only when you want more of his power that you start getting into deep waters.

Demons can infuse  into your thoughts and  dreams seeming suggestions/ instructions that look good.  But  you must know that as long as they are not scriptural, they cannot be right for your life and  ministry.

When you continue to receive thoughts from devils and obey them, it opens up your life to those demons. And once the door is open to one, he invites others .

Before long,  the Minister has deviated from Bible doctrine. and starts following fables that do not give Christ life to God's people.

Having 'result' n ministry is not as important as the SOURCE OF INSTRUCTION. Every believer who abides in the Word will bear fruit and have a successful ministry but not all Church growth and financial prosperity is from God.

God  spoke in Jeremiah 2:13
Jeremiah 2:13

“My people have committed two sins:
They have forsaken me,
the spring of living water, 
and have dug their own cisterns,
broken cisterns that cannot hold water.

The Holy Spirit is the heavenly gift for every believer. Your faith in Christ Jesus gives you the Life of the Spirit. Our Lord Jesus Christ said Eternal life is to know God and have faith in His Son.

It is the Holy Spirit that makes knowing God available to every Christian. I Cor. 2 shows that it is the Holy Spirit that knows the secrets of God . This means we can have access to the mysteries of God if we have koinnoin with Holy Spirit.

Luke 2: 25-28 shows that every believer including the Man of God can have three levels of relationship with the Holy Spirit. 
"Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel,
1.   and the Holy Spirit was on him. 

2.  It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s Messiah.

3. Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts

A Man of God can have the Holy Spirit inside of Him and on him as the anointing yet never graduate to the stage wherebe he is moved by the Holy Spirit in his life and  in ministry.
Mark 1:12-13 
And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” At once the Spirit sent him out into the wilderness,

Simeon had the Holy Spirit on Him ( He was an Old Testament Saint.because our LORD Jesus Christ had not died. ).But the Spirit also revealed to him kingdom agenda. 

For he was also a man lead by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit moved him; lead him to go to the Temple at that crucial moment that The Saviour was presented in the Temple. Luke 2:27-30

Jesus Christ, the LORD was not presented to the High Priest but to a man who had no earthly titles but was very important in God's work on Earth because of His WALK with the Spirit which resulted in an accurate Work for God.

A.L. Hephzibah


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