Righteousness is bequeathed to believers by faith.  Immediately, you believed in Christ,  and accepted Him as Lord and Saviour, there was a shift in your standing with God: you moved from the status of an enemy and became a son.  Before faith in Christ Jesus, you were on the wrong side of the fence and had no relationship with God but faith in Christ Jesus puts you in right standing with God. 
You are positioned to  relate directly with God and receive every blessing on the ticket of Christ.  
A worker in an office,  is paid a salary at the end of the month for work done. The salary is not a gift,  rather its payment for service rendered.  But if you were paid without rendering any service,  then it's a gift. 
This is the story of righteousness,  we do not receive God's  protection,  kindness,  love,  health,  healing,  prosperity, miracles,  favour and even eternal life because we worked for it, NO! we received because our Lord Jesus paid the price for us to qualify  for God's blessings. 
In the book of Deuteronomy 28:1: The Bible says If you fully obey my commandments, these blessings shall come to you...... 
 It means you can only be blessed in the city and the country,  be blessed as you go in and come out,  be the head and not the tail- when you fully obey the laws.  On the other hand  if you partially obey the laws of God, you can't receive the blessings. 
In the Old Testament,  you have to obey to be blessed,  in the New Testament,  you have to believe in Jesus to be blessed. 
 Christ Jesus our Saviour rendered the service of obedience to the Will of the Father by dying on the cross so that you can have right standing with God.
The question is if we receive the blessings on the basis of Christ finished work. Then what is the place of obedience  in our relationship with Christ. 
We obey Christ because we love Him. 
Jesus Christ our master showed every believer why we must obey in John 14:15 and 21
"Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them. Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. 
We no longer obey God because of the blessings he bestows rather we obey Him because he loved us and has freely given us all that pertains to life and godliness.. 
This is perfect love. 
I don't obey because l want a car,  house,  jet,  happy marriage,  all these are included for free in my salvation package and l only need to access them by faith. 
#  l do not access them by the seed l sow into the life of the man of God,  NO! I access these blessings by faith 
But now,  l must obey God because l love Him.  
Who are those who love God?
# Those who claim they love Him? NO!
# Those who claim they are God's s favourite?  NO!
# Those who spend hours singing songs of praise and worship yet do not live according to the word?  NO!
# Those who claim they are a special breed among believers and other believers are created  specially for them?  NO!
Who are those who love God?
Jesus Christ our Lord says
Do you really want to love Him?
Then keep His word. 
Abigail Hephzibah


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