
Grace is beautiful,  Grace makes life easy.

Grace- God's love  at Christ expense, the full expression of divine kindness to humanity. 

Grace with it close companion- Mercy has the fore-sight of making provision for man' shortcomings by providing forgiveness of sin for every believer. 

Oh,  how beautiful Grace is- it make believers do great exploits beyond natural capacity. 

Grace keeps a pilot flying  on the aircraft of ministry success even though the pilot  has lost contact with the Air Traffic Controller.
Grace keeps the  believer blasting in tongues  and obtaining the blessing even when such have abandoned the Spirit who inspires the tongue. 

Grace is beautiful but when misused, can ultimately bring shame and eternal condemnation. 

When Grace is taken for granted and its engine not lubricated by constant fellowship with the Jesus Christ- the GIVER of grace, a man can stumble and fall inspite of the presence of grace

Oh, the glamour of grace but the sting of its peril
It's peril is such that a person may miss it in his relationship with God yet remain in the pinnacle  of glory: 

A person  may stop walking closely with his Master yet not know that Christ is missing in its temple: 

A Man of God may disconnect from God's  Spirit and  still be performing  miracles,
A Woman of God may become proud,  arrogant and stop walking in divine  love,  yet her preaching itinerary is overbooked and her account overflowing in dollars. 

Oh Grace,  beautiful grace,  please may l not miss a step in my fellowship with God,  

Oh ring your bells in my ear when it becomes dull in hearing.
Oh Grace, sweet grace, knock the door of my heart incessantly when it begin to seek after money,  fame,  pleasure at the expense of seeking the will of my Saviour. 

Oh Grace,  tender grace keep me humble and walking in love and remind me always that' 
what have l received that l have not been given'  

please always remind me that everything the Father bestows is for  building the kingdom and not just to lavish on self  while those close to me suffer in penury.

Grace, please help me to always seek to please my master Jesus Christ and be watchful always,  remind me of the Scripture that says  ' He that thinks he stand should take heed lest  he falls. 

Grace,  Oh Grace help me to be vigilant and watchful so that Christ will not utter to me his statement in Matthew 7:21-26 (Living Bible) 
"Not all who sound religious are really godly people.  They may refer to me as Lord but still won't get to heaven.  For the decisive question is whether they obey my Father in heaven.  On the judgement many will tell me,  Lord,  Lord,  we told others about you and uses your name to cast out demons and to do many other miracles. But l will reply ' You have never been mine,  Go away for your deeds are 
evil.  All who listen to my instructions and follow them are wise... 

Apostle Paul said l did not receive the grace of God in vain  May we not receive the grace of God in vain in Jesus name.  

A.L. Hephzibah


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