Many years ago, I travelled to a town in Ekiti State Nigeria for a wedding event. The contract to decorate the Event venue was sublet to me by another Event decorator who had other events and could not attend to this particular one.

We entered the town very late and l  could not see clearly the shape and size of the town. 

I was l anxious on the route to the town but once the driver announced we had arrived at the town, every fear and anxiety in my heart disappeared.

It seemed  that particular night the town was in the outskirts of no where, because we kept driving and eventually entered the town through a very narrow path. Everywhere was in dark and l could also see faint shapes of houses as the driver drove through the street of the town.

Eventually, our big truck packed in front of the town hall and l assumed it was in the forest and surrounded by mountains.because l could see the peak of a mountain in the dark.

While the workers were eating, l came out and faced the mountain that l could make out in the dark and started speaking in tongues. There was an inresistable force within me drawing me to part and worship. 

I could feel a freedom, a serenity and an inspiration just to worship and pray.

This atmosphere was so peaceful, almost heavenly that l could not stop praying and praising in tongues. 

I did not have to join the workers in the hall because the workers were competent and experienced. Once l shared the vision of the job with them, they carried on without me.

There was a pull on my spirit to pray in this place and l did.  Then  l slept a while until the new day shone it's morning light through the sky and l could see that it was actual a village settlement with modern houses with cement bricks

What a  great suprise.! The settlement  hall was not surrounded by forest as l thought.  There were houses surrounde by beautiful well nurtured plants .
 And the mountain, l thought l saw was actual far f I'm the hall.

I moved around the town next morning and deliberately asked questions. I met a man that told me categorically and confidently that they don't lock their doors at night because this is a safe place that nobody steal.

He said people here are predominately God - fearing Christians and that even the children and the youths don't dare steal .

When we left that town the next day, l discovered the name of the town that leads to this settlement  is Iye- Ekiti.  I don't know if they still retain that heavenly atmosphere in their town

Today, l remember that town when these thoughts flowed through my mind ' " what will be the atmosphere of a nation whose King and ruler is The Word of God.

I mean a nation where the culture and lifestyle, whole Constitution is based on the Word of God and the.pwole rules entirely by the fear of God.

 l realised that while we have nations where the culture and styles of its people is ruled and controlled by the Islamic law, Chinese law etc, l don't think we have any nation or city where it's whole Constitution is controlled by the Bible.

We have nations like Australia who officially claim they are a Christian nation and the Gospel preached in their nation is Catholism.

What a beautiful City it would be if The Word of Jesus Christ is the constitution of the City

When Christ is honoured openly by all men and women
Where been  a chriatian is not a title but a life truly ruled by the fear of God.

Some believe that we will only experience the above in the New Earth.and Heaven. Others believe we can have it on earth.

I really don't know which is right but it will surely be Heaven on Earth.

A.L. Hephzibah


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