
My article tonight is not to promote the works of darkness but it is a reality check and to encourage believers to work on our sensitivity to the voice of the Holy Spirit- who my parents say is the greatest wealth any believer can possess.

Cain was used by the Enemy to kill Abel while they were in the field. May God give you a heart that can read men thoughts especially concerning you. It is called discerning and our Lord Jesus has this ability to know the thoughts of men towards him.

 The Yoruba has an adage ' They say a person spit out saliva, but spit in blood. If  you could read the thoughts of a man.concerning you, then you will know the right actions to take concerning that Issue.
1. Was it God' s plan for Abel to die?
No, because if it was ordained by God, God would not say ''the blood of your brother crys out'

2. Was Abel, a man who pleased God?
Yes, because the Bible says he offered a pleasing sacrifice to God. Yet he was killed because of envy and jealousy from his blood brother.

I believe that before any evil before any believer, God has the Fatherly  responsibility to reveal it to the person concern.

Moreso, it is not in God' s plan for harm to befall any of His children. My Church has a Covenant " Nothing missing and nothing broken which l speak over my possession regularly. My packed car, my phone's, my home when l leave 

God promised in the following  Scriptures
Luke 10:19
Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

This promise of the Bible is especially true for those involved in any level of spiritual warfare either for self or the Kingdom of God.

No matter the degree of warfare you undertake to deliver the prey of the might, Jesus Christ, our Lord promised nothing shall any means hurt you. 

Please don't believe the lie that people involved in warfare end up as victims or casualties of the attack of hell.

I believed this lie in the past and suffers for it. Jesus Christ our Lord  said "Nothing shall by any means hurt you" and that is the final.verdict.

Also, watch for the fear tactics of the enemy. They flash thoughts of fear to you. Fear is their messenger for an effective attack and to seek permission from you to launch a successful attack.

God said surely they will attack but know whenever an attack comes, it is not from me for whosoever attacks you shall submit to you . Isaiah 54:15

So the Enemy knows he can't get permission from God to attack you, then he would come to you and seek for permission to launch a successful attack against you through the thoughts of fear of sickness, accident, failure, etc.

Remember, You are more than a conqueror through Christ who strengthens you 
Also, remember, we are learning daily and become better as we know more truth, don't be too hard on your self. You are a Victor already, no matter what your circumstances is presently.

A.L. Hephzibah


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