
Africa has always been protected by God and God's instrument of protection had always been the Gospel.

The curse Noah placed on the descendants of Ham made Africa and it's people vulnerable to raw and rare Satanic attacks. And anywhere there is unjust oppression, God as the Righteous Judge Intervenes and He is interested.

Did Ham mocked his father's nakedness?
Yes, Ham was not supposed to speak about his father's mistake and vulnerability in a time of weakness in public.

Was Noah his father justified for placing such curse not on Ham but on Ham's descendents. So that he would not live to see his immediate son in pain but it does not affect him directly if the descendants of his son suffer because of their father's mistake.

So God is interested in Africa and will carefully guide the revival ongoing in our continents.  Therefore we must be careful of our teachings now than ever.

Any Error in Doctrine not corrected on time is dangerous. 

A man known as a prophet who takes over nations by  'violence' and by blood shed received Judaism without The Christ.

The teaching of this man controls more of the Asia nations than any other teaching or philosophy. 
The same teaching is gradually been exported to African nations to influence and control constitutions of whole natuons and influence the Culture of its 'peoples'

The Ethiopian Treasurer of the Queen of Ethiopian 
Lmhad the teachings of Isaiah but he did not understand it. Imagine if he had brought the teachings of Isaiah to Africa with the Holy Spirit sending Philip to him to preach the Gospel to Him; BR Ng him under the authority of Jesus Christ  and stop a.Judaism without Jesus Christ as LORD from entering the shores of Africa.

I wish this Ethiopian officer also had The Baptism of the Fire of the Holy.Ghost. Africans would have been liberated faster than this rate.

Today, The religion of " Rule by violence' is gradually take root in Africa shore again. But the LORD and King who did not allow the Ethiopian to enter Africa with only the  Book of Isaiah will stop them in Jesus name.

Jesus Christ, our King will build His Church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail.

Therefore every teaching and doctrine must align with Jesus' Teaching who is THE WORD OF GOD, who is THE EXPRESS IMAGE OF THE INVISIBLE GOD.

A.L. Hephzibah


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