
King David was a man who lived beyond his generation. Deliberately, l used the words 'king David' and ' Man' because he was a man yet he was able to ascend such heights in the Spirit. 

If King David did this under the Old Testament, then every believer can do so much more because now The Holy Spirit is within the Believer and not just on the Believer.

Please l am not advocating for living a life of sin but for this moment take your mind off  the mistakes and sin of  King David.

King David was a man who knew the heart of The Almighty and used it to his advantage.

When he was caught in his sin with Beersheba, he birthed Psalm 51. 

King David reaction or remorse was superb
, when prophet Nathan came with the message from God about the rich man who confiscated the small treasure of the poor man.

When he counted the fighting men and God anger was arouse against Israel, King David display of a contrite heart  is commendable.

When they made a mistake in the  handling the Ark  and one of the Levite was killed,;  King David' s  seemly  dance steps  when the Ark was returned to Jerusalem were not fitting for a.glamous king in the estimation of his wife.

In every instance that King David went wrong, God:s justice system got up with him. Because God justice is not a respecter of persons.

 In the counting of the fighting men, the Bible says Satan incited King David to count the fighting men. 

The reason the Enemy wanted to know the number of the fighting men of Isreal is to help his strategy against the man that has not been defeated by any enemy army.

And when God's judgement will come, it has to fall on the number of the army that is the subject of contention and not on King David who was incited by Satan.

Kabiyesi!. May God give us an understanding of His ways, so that we can number our days correctly.

Sincerely, unless God help us to live as He ordained, no man can make it in the enforcement of Christ victory on the earth.

True worship is an heart attitude that will ultimately show in your action.

Compare king David' attitude to other kings like King Saul, King Jeroboam, King Ahab, King Hezekiah, King Uzziah and even King Solomon when God came with reports of their wrong.

The Holy Spirit is the only one who can help us and teach us to worship God in Spirit and in Truth.

The Bible says ' He is the one who knows the heart and mind of The Almighty. He is the Spirit of The Almighty 

A.L Hephzibah


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