Solomon inherited


King Solomon inherited a fortune and a covenant. It was bestowed on him; he did not get it by either his righteousness nor his efforts. 

Solomon's father King David was a man after God' s heart who prompted the initiation of covenants with King David's Seed that spans into eternity.

Our actions and decisions are captured by God, may God help is to take actions that will put us in high esteem in His presence.

Our Lord Jesus Christ work on Calvary can be liken to what King David did for his son Solomon.  Our Lord Jesus Christ paid the price to bring every spiritual blessings to the life of every Saint who believes in Him as Lord and Saviour.

King David got a covenant on behalf of his seed- Psalm 89; he gathered wealth and riches for the building of God' s Temple, he fought every war that is needed to destroyed the nation's enemy - 
The Philistines. 

God raised Samson to wipe off the Philippines, but he did not successfully did this, King Saul inherited this assignment, it was King David that successfully carried it out  the assignment of wiping out the Philippines.

Samson walked in his vision without a walk with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was ON him anytime Samson needed power to carry out his divine assignment, but the Holy Spirit was not WITH Him.

God anointed Saul as king through Prophet Samuel yet King Saul walked and work out his assignment without a daily dependence on The God who enthroned Him 

King David on the other hand, rated fellowship with the Holy Spirit more important than his throne or fame.

In Psalm 27:4
One thing I ask from the Lord,
this only do I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life, 
to gaze on the beauty of the Lord
and to seek him in his temple.'

So this King David who rated his relationship with God much much important than his throne and reputation accomplished what others could not accomplished.

King Solomon had all the works of his father- king David as his advantage when he started out in his purpose on earth but he needed more to successfully execute his mission on earth.

The finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ is the starting point for every believer. Our Lord and Saviour paid the price to get A NAME that is above all names and every knee in Heaven, on Earth and beneath the Earth should bow and confess Christ as The LORD.

The name that our LORD Jesus got gives us access to Heaven' s treasures and earthly riches. He got the believer the authority to use that name to cast out devils, heal the sick, raise the dead.

The name of Jesus Christ  give you access to knock on Heaven's door for your  answered prayers.

Lastly, you have the access to cry Abba Father  to HOLY GOD who cannot behold sin because Jesus Christ , our LORD blood cleanses you from every dead works. Hallelujah!.


I participated in a Drama presentation some few years back. In the Drama playlet, a King was seated on 
his throne with his chiefs around him and different subjects in his kingdom entered his presence.

Each subjects came into his presence with different scenarios in their lives. A man came into His presence complaining that his farm had a very small.harvest.

A woman complained about a sick child, and another  woman brought a very little farm products as a thanksgiving offering though she had a bountiful harvest.

Then a lady came in and right from  the gates of the palace started singing the praises of the King with dancing and continued till she got to the presence of the King.

She continued on her knees eulogising the King, telling him about his.marvelous acts on the earth and in her life. The King asked her what she wanted and she responded " Nothing, l just come to worship you".

In the Drama, the King got up from His throne and went with the lady who sang his praises 

If earthly kings understand the importances of heartfelt, sincere  worship, how much more The King of all kings, Master of the Universal, Emperor and King, The LORD over principalities, The Lord over powers .

God Himself said in Psalm 50, that bulls and sheep cannot satisfy Him but the worship from a heart that is already dedicated to Him out of appreciation for His goodness in their lives will always delight Him.

So King Solomon who already had everything he needed, an inherited fortune, a working Covenant, Lands, the throne chose to start his reign on the throne of his father- king David by offering a mind blowing sacrifice for he knew he needed more than all these things.

I don't know where King Solomon got the inspiration from but He offered the sacrifices that nobody had ever offered in Human history ' A THOUSAND" and it got God' s attention.

Cheaply, king Solomon became the most wise king in his generations and beyond.

Now, we should not start to worship God because we want God to make us famous, rich etc., capital NO!

We must learn to worship Him in all sincerity because He enjoys it, because we want to please Him, because He is the King of kings and Lord of lord.

You will never want to offend or displease a man you are in love with because what makes him sad will make you sad 

I have  had friends in the past  that l did things for them not because it was convenient but because l wanted to please them.

Our relationship with God is borne out of God' love for us and it must be sustained by our  love for Him.

A.L. Hephzibah


A.L. Hephzibah


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