1. Walk in love
2. Obedience to His instruction
3. Diligent study of the Word
4. A sincere worship life
5. Prayer and fasting.

If you walk in love, you will kind and compassionate

If you walk in love, you will forgive easily

If you walk in love you will not speak ill of any one

If you walk in love, you will help others, your family, friends, the poor etc.

Love encompasses ALL

A man living in sin and inquiry cannot have the presence of God. Inquiries are.sercet sin of the hearts not seen by others but visible in heaven while sin is rebellion to.God will- that is God's word.



I was cast in a drama in my Church many years back.  They drama was about a King and his subjects.
 There was.a cast who  played.the role of a.woman who had problems yet.came.into the.pteaence of the King dancing and rejoicing.  She was appreciating the King for his goodness and kindness inspite of her many challenges in the drama.

Some came to the presence of the king with a prayer request, a challenge needing the intervention of the king and others with complain.

The King attended to each subject based on theur.request  But the King got off from his throne and left with the lady who came with thanksgiving to his Presence.

Then the Lord said to Moses, “Leave this place, you and the people you brought up out of Egypt, and go up to the land I promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, saying, ‘I will give it to your descendants.’ I will send an angel before you and drive out the Canaanites, Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites. Go up to the land flowing with milk and honey. BUT I WILL NOT GO WITH YOU, because you are a stiff-necked people and I might destroy you on the way! 

The presence of God is not secured cheaply. The Israelites became the people of God because of the covenant God entered with Abraham. God was committed to keep them and give them the Land He promised to Abraham but God's manifold presence would not go with them because they were stiff- necked  and disobedient people who will not align their will with God's will.

God gave the Land flowing with milk.and honour as promised but His Presence was kept away. God delights in Communion with His children but certain conditions must be met to secure and keep His Presence.

The people  had prosperity, victory  yet God, Jehovah Himself was not with them.  Exodus 33. 

In Exodus 33:1-4, God told Moses that He will send His angel ahead of them but Himself ( His presence will not go with them.)

But Moses was able to persuade God to come with them. Moses said that people will not believe that they were God's people unless His presence was with them.

It means it is not just the prosperity, and victories that symbolise or shows that God's presence is with a man. It is the manifestation of His glory, his person that represents His presence.

The Enemy has made us believe that Success in all its ramifications represents His presence.

When Satan was cast out of the River of fire of The Most High God. He still had his giftings and power but he lost the presence.
 It was the presence of God that Adam and Eve lost in the Garden that left them vulnerable to Satan and natural elements.

The presence of God is the most important gift have from God.
Samson had the power of The Spirit but lack the presence of God.

King David cried in Psalm 51 :11
Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.

King David knew he can't survive a day on the Throne without the Presence of God.

The Presence of God was more important to him that his reputation, fame , wealth etc. He placed the highest value on the Presence of God. 

It was the Presence of God that Enoch secured for 300 years. The Presence was so strong on Him that it took Enoch to Himself. HE IS THE ALMIGHTY AND CAN CREATE NEW LAW TO.ACCOMODATE ANYTHING HE DOES!

1. You can have money as a believer and not have His Presence
2. You can be successful in Ministry, your Career and not have His Presence
3. You can have your heart desires and not have His Presence.

It was the Presence of God that left our LORD on the Cross when He carried the sins of the World.

Jesus Christ our LORD did not cried  out. " Father, Father, why have thou forsaken  me because of the flogging, the thorn, the shame, etc 
He received all that pain and disgrace and cried out in agony because THE PRESENCE OF GOD  left Him on the Cross .

The Presence left Him so that we may receive that Presence by faith in Christ Jesus. 
While faith in Christ Jesus our LORD and SAVIOUR gives you His blessings, you have a part to play to have The Presence of God dwell with you! always.

A.L. Hephzibah

LORD, presently in the Church,  some believe that every believer has The Presence of God because the Holy Spirit is inside of us.

The Holy.Spirit is the entirety of God and manifests in different capacity and dimensions.

He is a Person, a, being, The Almighty Himself, The Spirit of Jesus Christ.

*When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory." Ephesians 1:13b-14

He is also.the Spirit who.adopted the believer and made us sons.and daughters of the Most High. Romans 8:14-15

He is the power of God that gives spiritual gift to the believer . Acts 1:8, I Cor. 12

He is the Spirit that is responsible for resurrection of the dead. Romans 8:11
He is the seal on the believer that shows God's owner. 

But He is also the Presence of the Most High. God works by His angels. But when God manifested Presence is with, it is the LORD Jesus.Cgrust Himself with You. It is a glorious experience that only few enjoys.

I want to see your glory
I am here to offer a sacrifice of worship
Fill this Temple LORD with your Presence once again

A.L. Hephzibah


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