God deserves My Praise and More

when we praise God
When we schedule a time slot in our services to sing songs of praise and worship to Him

When we sleep at night with His praise on our lips

When we rise and down we go on our knees to worship Him who kept us through the night

We don't do all these and more
out of mere obligation and duty to the God- head

We must do all these  because our God deserves it, He who neither sleeps nor slumber to watch over us

Today, l needed an object urgently from my house and I was thinking about how to leave an important appointment and go home to get it

 Before l knew it
Our  caring Father had orchestrated events and someone brought the item  to me.

Secondly, l needed to get an item and couldn't find it in the shop where l normally buy it. 
 Mysteriously God moved me to a place l did not even know they sell the material   and opened my eyes to see a small shop and  where l got what l needed, this miracle look small but for me, it shows how God cares about every little details of our lives

God deserves your praise and more. So many things He has done, that seem insignificant but God made it happen for you 

Sincerely l can't imagine my life without Him
Without Him, sorrow and sadness would have been my life companions
Suicide would have ended my destiny
God deserves my love and more
So let angels shout aloud the praise of  God  the Holy Spirit,

Please let the redeemed sing His praise for 
Our God deserves it and more

Abigail Hephzibah


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