InSpired. pray for Believers

Good Morning friends, sirs/Ma. I was meditating this morning and realised that a special  group of people needs our prayers  now than ever. This group were part of a larger group in the world, obeying the same rules, doing the same thing and under the same Ruler.
Then this special group met with the envoys of another greater king who is called the greatest King of all. And they believed His verdict and made a decision to turn away from a life of disobedience  and obey this greatest King of all.
What do you think will be the reaction of their former Ruler?
Especial when this special group are still residents in the domain of the Ruler; he would laugh, pat them on the back and say well done.
No, that will not be his reaction, because this particular ruler called Satan  is vindictive, revengeful and unforgiving.
What Satan will do to believers when they forsake his ways and ideology is try to steal, kill and destroy.
He breathe and live to harm believers. That is his life ambition to ensure that any man who has a solidarity with God and His Christ is tortured and persecuted.
We are the special group of people called out of the control of Satan
Please pray for believers all over the world daily. 
1. Pray that believers' eyes of understanding will be enlightened to know our right and privileges in Christ. We suffer in the hands of men and the enemy because we permit into our lives what God has not ordained.
2. Pray that God will strengthen our will and desires against the onslaught of sins and compromise.
We are daily attack by decisions, desires that are displeasing to God. Once we yield to this lure, we are deliberately opening our lives to the enemy because disobedience to God Word gives our enemies strength against us.
3. Pray that believers world wide will be encouraged in their faiths. Many are believing God for a lot of things this year. And if their desires are not fulfilled this year some will enter the new year with a weak and passive faith.
4. Pray that believers will learn to hear, walk and work with the Holy Spirit. You may be saved, baptised in the Holy Ghost, hold a church title yet not hear, walk and work with the Holy Ghost.
Have a blessed week.


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