The benevolent Father has given every believer all we need for life and godliness.

The Life of the Holy Spirit housed in the Human Spirit is God the Almighty bottled up in the spirit of man and may never find full expressions excerpt to be allowed to heal and provide once in a while.

Joy, such unspeakable joy is the inheritance of every Christian. Irrespective of the circumstances that surrounds you at anytime, you are ordained to reach for the life of God in your Spirit and allow the Joy within which is a fruit of the Holy Spirit overwhelm the sorrow that your circumstances wants to bring to your Soul.

Verse 1
There is a peace that floods my Soul
When the Spirit of thy LORD is in cintrol
There is a joy, no bound can hold
When Spirit blow a fresh wind through my Soul
Holy Spirit flow through me
Touch my heart and there will be Such joy, such unspeakable joy
Such peace , an everlasting peace
Such love, pure and holy love
Spirit have your way in me.

Joy is an outflow of slide filled with the Holy Spirit. It is fruit of the Holy Spirit and is the right of every believer.

Jesus Christ, our LORD said ' in the World, you will have tribulations but rejoice for l have overcome. 
The power of the Believer to overcome in within and not without

The Joy within which is not a product of what you did but a reward for What Jesus Christ did for you is given to the believer to insulate you from every fiery darts and attack of the Enemy. This is why Jesus Christ, our LORD could endure the cross because of the joy set before Him, Daniel could enter the Lion's Den.

The only service and worship acceptable to God is the sacrifice offered with gladness of heart.

A song writer wrote in a hymn
Lets us with a gladsome mind
Praise thy LORD for He is Kind
For His mercy shall endure
Ever faithful and ever true

God gave you The Spirit of Joy because you must serve and worship with gladness for your service to be acceptable.

1. Joy is a gift fro. God and it's is not dependable on favourable or unfavourable conditions. Joy is not extreme happiness got as a result of been drunk with wine, and acquisitions of properties etc. It is a supernatural outflow of the Holy Spirit  available to every believer.

"DO NOT GET DRUNK on WINE, which leads to debauchery. INSTEAD, BE FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT, speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

2. You must practise the habit of staying in the Presence of God  through the study of the Word and a daily worship life to access the joy of the Spirit
" You will fill me with JOY in your PRESENCE. Actsb2;28

" Perfume and incense  bring JOY to the heart. Proverbs 27:9
 Perfume and incense are symbols of worshipping God.. a song writer wrote
Like oil upon your feet
Like wine for you to drink
Liike water from my eyes
I pour my love on you
I lavish mine on you
Till every drop is gone
I pour my love on you

3.Endeavour to know the Holy Spirit and walk in the Spirit. He is the SOURCE of your Life and Joy!

And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit. Acts 13:51

A.L. Hephzibah.


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