Isaac loved Rebecca


God is love and those who are created by Him has their DNA made of love
We were created 'Creatures of love:
We were regenerated  in love

For the Bible says " for God so loved the World that He gave His only begotten son.."

God did not created a world that is filled with pains, suffering, hardship and hatred. Everything created by God was termed 'GOOD' in its original.state
He created Eden to be a Garden of fellowship and of love.

The marital relationship between a husband and his wife is a union ordained for the continual flow of God's love that had also  been shed abraod in our hearts by the Holy Spirit.

The Christian marriage should be a  union of kindness, trust, patience, protection and preservation.

The Bible stated that Jesus entrusted Himself to no man because trust in a man is a trap. But trust is expected between a husband and his wife.

Our Lord Jesus Christ said in Mark 13:11 and Matt 10:22

“Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death.'

Watch that statement carefully, it never said, " Husband shall betray wife to death and wife shall betray husband to death. Betrayal can happen between father and son, daughter and mother but the Bible never expects betrayal between husband and wife because they are ONE and a man or woman cannot betray him/herself.

This is why the husband and wife relationship is the most important and trustful relationship on Earth apart from our relationship with God.

God ordained that the marriage relationship should be encapsulated in ONENESS. It is just like the relationship between the Father and Son while on earth, they were one.

Genesis  2:24 says
That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.'

A man cannot and should not betray his wife and a wife should not betray her husband because they became ONE at the marriage altar.

The marriage relationship is the only union whereby a man and a woman  bears the same name. " Mr and Mrs Obaseki.
It is the perversion of the marriage institution and distrust that has been introduced the call for separation of names especially for property ownership. 

So the law advises that the property should bear the separate names of the husband and his wife. Thus we have " Mr and Mrs Bode and Bike Obaseki. 

In the beginning, it was not so, God made them One and divorce was not in the equation of God for marriage  because a man/woman cannot divorce himself or herself.

The marriage vow is the verbal expression of the covenant between a man and a woman at the Marriage altar.

MAKING LOVE is the visible representation of the invisible covenant between the man and the woman. ( The phrase making love is used deliberately instead of sexual intercourses. Sequence articles will explain the difference between both words.)

The birth of their children is the physical evidence of the Oneness between the man and the woman. You cannot separate what is from the man or woman in the child

Therefore a husband  and his wife cannot pursue separate spiritual vision in MARRAIGE and ministry .

The ONENESS must reflect in everything they do. The Bible rightly says ' Can two walk together excerpt they be in agreement 

I guess it is only in MARRAIGE that the term " Soul TIe' is permitted because the man.and his wife has become ONE.  (Transparency and openness should be the natural outlook in the home)

And this Oneness connotes that their thoughts is clear as crystals to each other. They should be able to read each other's thoughts easily. 

They should be able to anticipate each other needs without verbal communication. If the MARRAIGE relationship operates on the wheels of Heaven's principle, it should be a source of great joy to humanity because happy godly families make a happy godly Society.

A.L. Hephzibah


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