
How do you describe this God?
He is beyond the thoughts and imaginations of any man. 

The God who can predict an event 1000 years before its time 

 Behold! time runs from 0 year to 1000 years, and God's prediction  happens exactly as predicted.

How do you describe this God, so rich in glory yet made Himself simple to have a relationship with man

The immortal God who called mortal Abraham His friend.....

The God who is covered with undescribable glory and is awesome is your Father

 Wow, what a BEING. 
This God. we serve, sincerely deserve your worship.

He wakes you up every morning,

He ensures no harm befalls  you.

Check out the mad men on the street;
Please visit a Ritual den and see people dissected for charms.

But you travelled and this God guides and guard you.

He is greater than the greatest; there is no one who can compare to Him
I salute the King of kings
You truly deserve all the adoration.

He who existed before any other
He has no beginning and no ending

The 'l Am, that l Am'
Kabiyesi, Himself
Who is worshipped day and night by innumerable angels who know His worth

They are not coerced to worship Him, they have a choice. Abi, Lucifer left to worship himself and this God did not stop Him....

These angels have a choice but  choose to worship Him.
Who will not worship a beautiful God like the God of our Lord Jesus Christ

His care  limitlessly
Loving without bounds
Patient with our feeble frailness

I don't know.  how to talk about this God
But l pray we will love Him always
Not just  because of the 'goodies' He gives..... 

For he gives these goodies unconditional, (the produce of the earth is for all, even kings are enriched by it) that is why unbelievers can be very wealthy and rich
God's love is so unconditional.

If you lose all the goodies He gives you..
Will you still follow Him?
Will you still obey Him?

 l shall breathe my last breath in Him,  
Forever shall  find me in Him

How do you describe a God like this?
And. He is your Father,
He is on your side
No matter what is your pain, if you believe in Jesus and you obey God , you are safe forever
 May you experience His wonder  more and more

Build yourself with the Bible which is His Word and acquaint yourself intimately with the Almighty

Don't be limited by  ignorance just get to know more of Him

Sincerely l pray we become the best ordained for us and enjoy all of God's  rich blessings.

God loves you too much to fail you ever

A. L. Hephzibah


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